Should Children Network?
Sambhav Desai
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Multiple global solutions are now available to the children around the world. Organizations like ours, Child Connect Safety, uses cutting edge technology and latest data to connect children around the world.
The biggest question is should children network?
No matter which part of the world you are in, you have seen that children are children. They are curious. They want to learn and have fun. Under just the right conditions, oversights and rules, they thrive.
Truth is not every child has what yours or mine has. Only thing they have is, each other.
Then comes a point, when children transitions into adulthood. This is when laws apply. What you can do and you can not do applies.
Until then what if they learn from each other. In a structured manner! In form of a local service, you can provide. Access to a private children's network.
3 security concerns:
- Would global leaders punish a child if they misbehaved in this network?
- Would anyone hack it?
- Who will protect such a network?
The communication technologies are constantly being improved and there are individuals who uses it to imprison or even execute children around the world. If a parent allows children to network, they need to know. These are the questions some parents may face or ask. On other hand, there are many benefits. Time has come to trust our children and allow them to connect at a global level.
Time has come for United Nations to work with countries around the world to remove some laws which restrains their own future generations from current relevant information.
Request to hackers and those who wishes harm, please let children, connect without fear of attacks and punishments on such private networks.
Businesses, for the children to connect through their own private network, would you allow your business to provide little bit of support? If yes, think of how you would like to sponsor your local children related business or school parent teacher groups?
You can help us keep such networks secure, please share your concerns and solutions.
There is a huge concern about quality of education and safety. Child Connect handles them all during applicants access to such a network.
# 1 reason for a child to network with other child - a child to learn important current life skills necessary to thrive from each other
They could very well learn things like how to deal with their digital safety and local bullies. Parents would love it. 1 less technology headache to over see. By the way, this network platform has no name.
The education a child gets in such an environment is exactly what they are looking for, not a brand name or a project name. From their view point, they get introduced to kids from around the world.
Children needs to network.
Will parents? How about teachers? Many have seen, parents have lost control with devices in every hand. Teachers are overwhelmed. Residents tired of taxes. The systems and processes in some networks are designed with them in mind. A child who networks are offered gift points they can use on funny things like "talk therapy" or "history lesson" and more..which benefits them and local community.
Seems like networking means there is absolutely something for everyone.
Life Skill Report and Parenting - Access to global ambassadors and relevant individuals from around the world.
How does such a network protect data?
A network which ensures safety of our children must implementing defensive tools on regular basis. Using experience building various platforms comes in handy with such important questions.
Private network accessible ONLY to children and, upon request only.
What is the primary goal for collecting data?
- Allows trust to be built in systems and processes when data is transparent.
- Allows us to show our ability to keep data secure and accessible with those with secured access only.
- Allows children to focus on important life skills as they meet and connect globally.
How does one get in?
Invitation only.
On-boarding to get into a network must be an unique experiences for a child. Every child gets to be screened, just like every adult is screened for safety reasons when travelling using airplanes. Necessary and embedding life skills, parents will be able to notice.
Child connect safety encourages collaboration. The solutions embedded in a game creates experiences of important life skills. Such positive reinforcement, allows children who enters the network, to take those skills and apply in real world.
Question still remains for many, should children network?
The challenge is always to ensure that the rigors of adults are NOT put on our children in any relationship building network, where they will be making friends around the world.
There are many ethical, legal and moral questions for such an network.
What are your thoughts on it?