Should Brands believe in teamwork?
Teamwork has been in existence ever since humans lived together.
That people need to work in teams has never been questionable. People can’t be expected to do much alone, and then there is a question of skills. To achieve something substantial, you need diverse skills, you need direction, you need collective power.
While no one has ever challenged the concept of team and teamwork, it has become the single biggest impediment in achievement and productivity.
While there is a myriad of complex reasons, there are three primary reasons:
Power: As soon as two or more people join hands, the question that props up is who has an upper hand. This quest to have an unequal parity is the primary reason for uneasiness.
Compatibility: Humans, unlike other living organisms, have a mind of their own. This mind leads to compatibility issues between people. Some gel, some don’t. Some concur on some issues, and don’t on some. Some have divergent views and are unable to reconcile their differences.
Purpose: People with a common vision, a common purpose, a common objective, tend to rise above petty issues and focus on what they are in pursuit of. If there is no commonality of purpose, there is no thread to bind them together.
So people can be together to make a crowd, stand together to form a group but to make a team is much beyond that:
Team is a small group of people with complementary skills and abilities who are committed to a common goal and approach for which they hold each other accountable.