Should Board Members Interrogated and Abused by Unruly Residents?

Should Board Members Interrogated and Abused by Unruly Residents?

There may come a time when you witness a resident being rude, loud, and abusive. Actually, it occurs quite often at board meetings. It also occurs in common areas and when board members are out and about living their personal lives. Should this be allowed to occur? Clearly, the answer is NO.

Board members are volunteers and have personal lives. A majority of board members are doing the very best they can to keep their communities safe and operating well. Sure, there are several bad apples serving on association boards. Of course, those bad ones need to be called out. There are proper ways to go about this process. Remember, it’s not what you say but how you say it.

I’ll be the first person to request transparency and for the board to make documents available immediately. All owners should be allowed to ask questions in a fair and friendly way. Simply being an owner does not give you the right to be rude and nasty. Keep your composure and dignity. If you want to assure yourself of never getting friendly answers, just go ahead and be demanding. If an owner thinks they are going to bully the board and management to volunteer information, they are sorely incorrect.


Here is a list of often seen mistakes from the typical demanding bully:

·??????? Loud and boisterous

·??????? Disruption of Board Meetings

·??????? Intimidation Tactics and Personal Attacks

·??????? Threatening Board Members, Residents, and Management

·??????? Demanding Immediate Answers and Explanations

·??????? Lack of participation at meetings

·??????? Continuous gossip chain to gain others’ support.

Board members are not to be subjected to interrogations and intimidation. If you want answers, simply request them in writing. You may need to ask for a formal records request and sift through hundreds of documents to get those answers. No one is obligated to explain all the processes to unruly residents. One way to understand all that occurs on boards' of directors, and how decisions are made, is to join the board and be an active member of it.


Here is a quick reminder of homeowners’ responsibilities:

? Read and comply with the governing documents of the community.

? Stay informed by attending meetings and reading materials provided by the association.

? Maintain their property according to established standards.

? Treat association leaders with respect and honesty.

? Vote in community elections and on other issues.

? Pay association assessments and charges on time.

? Contact association leaders or managers, if necessary, to discuss financial obligations and alternative payment arrangements.

? Request reconsideration of material decisions that personally affect them.

? Provide current contact information to association leaders or managers to help ensure they receive information from the community.

? Ensure that those who reside on their property (e.g., tenants, relatives, and friends) adhere to all rules and regulations.

? Respect the privacy of community leaders at their homes and during leisure time in the community.


Homeowners have the right to:

? A responsive and competent community association.

? Honest, fair, and respectful treatment by community leaders and managers.

? Participate in governing the community association by attending meetings, voting, serving on committees, and standing for election.

? Access appropriate association financial books and records.

? Prudent expenditure of assessments.

? Live in a community where the property is maintained according to established standards.

? Fair treatment regarding financial and other association obligations, including the opportunity to discuss payment plans.

? Receive all documents that address rules and regulations governing the community association prior to purchase and settlement and upon joining the community.

? Appeal to appropriate community leaders those decisions affecting nonroutine financial responsibilities or property rights.


How do you resolve some of these issues? Send me a quick email and we can chat about the details of your associations’ problems.

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