The Shot Heard Round The World...Over and Over Again!
It was the shot heard round the world, that has since, set out nation and countless other countries spinning. The reverberation continues, most recently, in Barcelona. Innocent lives lost, we are made to feel blind by cowards who bear a hatred for us far exceeding most of our grasp. We are slowly being educated though, albeit, a painful education it is, born from horrific attacks and senseless casualties.
It is one artist Graydon Parrish was commissioned to capture for the New Britain Museum of American Art (New Britain, Connecticut) even before he - or any of us - ever fully understood what was in-store following the Tragedy of 911. And yet, the magnificence of this body of work, called The Cycle of Terror and Tragedy, captures every second of what the United States and much of the globe has experienced at the hands of terrorism ever since that fateful day occurred, sixteen years ago.
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