Shortest path & Obstacle avoidance using AddCircuit
Alireza Soroudi, PhD
Lead Data Scientist @ bluecrux || SMIEEE || Optimization expert || Healthcare management || Lab Digitalization || Power and Energy systems || Developer || Author / Speaker || (views are mine)
I observed a cat gracefully navigating through a cluttered room, skillfully sidestepping the obstacles scattered on the floor. I asked him the tricks and discovered that Mr. Tom is using ORTools AddCircuit function to do the job. Here is the story:
The AddCircuit function is described as follows:
def AddCircuit(self, arcs) Adds a circuit constraint from a sparse list of arcs that encode the graph. A circuit is a unique Hamiltonian path in a subgraph of the total graph. In case a node 'i' is not in the path, then there must be a loop arc 'i -> i' associated with a true literal. Otherwise this constraint will fail. a list of arcs. An arc is a tuple (source_node, destination_node, literal). The arc is selected in the circuit if the literal is true. Both source_node and destination_node must be integers between 0 and the number of nodes - 1.
Upon hearing the name, my initial response involved thoughts of an electric circuit, and I was pleasantly surprised by its connection to optimization. It took me a while to correctly understand the true meaning of it (at least I think I know).
Consider a connected graph as follows:
The question is how to find a Hamiltonian path with min length?
First, we need to generate the graph's data:
Then, the ORTools model should be created:
The idea is providing a list of possible arcs :
[(i,j,Boolean Variable) , .... ] i is not the same as j
The AddCircuit function will create a closed path considering all nodes of the graphs. Here is the result (reminds me the TSP):
It is also possible to exclude some nodes, let's exclude the node 8. We need to add this arc (8,8,True) to the list of arcs.
model = cp_model.CpModel()
solver = cp_model.CpSolver()
nodes = [n for n in G.nodes()]
U = {(i,j):model.NewBoolVar(f"connection_{i}_{j}") for (i,j) in connect}
arcs = [(i,j,v) for (i,j),v in U.items() ]
arcs += [(8,8,True)]
expressions = [v*connect[i,j] for (i,j),v in U.items() ]
status = solver.Solve(model)
if status == cp_model.OPTIMAL:
print("Optimal solutionis found")
With all this said, let's skip to the fun part:
How can we use AddCircuit for finding the shortest path ?
Consider this example: the intention is to find the shortest path between the start (blue) and final (orange) point. Assume that we can move one step horizontally, vertically or diagonally at a time.
The AddCircuit will create a closed loop. (I limited the time to 10 seconds , thta's why it is not Optimal).
What we can do is to
arcs += [(n,n,Boolean Variable) for n in nodes]
arcs += [(fn,st,True)]
The green path is determined by the ORTools.
Let's make the problem more complicated:
How to find the shortest collision-free path among some obstacles?
The process is straightforward. Simply eliminate any arcs containing nodes within the obstacles and then proceed to resolve the problem.
How to find the minimum exposure path among some pulutant obstacles?
The following visualization shows the level of exposure of each point to the pollution. The exposure index diminishes as we move farther away from the obstacles.
OF = sum_{ij} (Ii+Ij)*Uij
The codes are available in Github repo
Dipl.Math., Data Scientist at Garmin Würzburg GmbH, Germany
1 年Again a very nicely presented topic of combinatorial optimization; thanks! Some remarks: - calculating shortest Hamilton cycles in grid graphs with 8-way connections, N,NE,E,SE,S,SW,S,NW is fairly simple and can be done with pen and paper; it becomes more interesting if penalties are imposed on turning angles. - calculating shortest Hamilton paths can be reduced to shortest Hamilton cycles by adding another vertex, that is connected to start and end vertex if these are defined or that is connected to all nodes if we haveno preference regarding the choice of start and end point.
Ph.D, CEO Satwii Solutions, Aerospace, Supply Chain & Data Science & AI Consultant | Instructor | Software Developer | Advanced Analytics | Automation | Digital Transformation | Operations Research | Statistics
1 年Thank you for sharing Prof. Alireza. What about longuest path in acyclic graph?