A Shortcut To Mindshare
Veteran brand strategist unlocking the full potential and value of your brand assets. +1 818-730-4638
Back in the ‘60s, Al Ries and Jack Trout created the idea of positioning. They championed the notion that a business needs to “occupy” a certain position in the customer’s mind. That way, the customer will immediately think of the business whenever they have a need that it can satisfy. Sounds pretty basic, doesn’t it? But back when the Beatles were the hottest young band on the radio, it was a pretty radical notion. Today, the idea that you need to achieve market position is taken as a given. Pretty much all business people, certainly all marketers, aspire to it. But, in an ideal situation, positioning alone is not enough. People need a shortcut to access that position in their minds. And, oddly enough, it’s the Beatles who can teach us something about that. Read more.