Shortage of  Electrical Power

Shortage of Electrical Power

#shortagelectricalpower #businesscontinuityplan #backupsystem

This is a situation that I have experience here, in the Developed countries normally they have a backup system. In the Developing Countries not so much, I have had the experience in the Public Insitution that gives the National ID, the other day they had a system shut down, and no backup system it took them a whole day to restart, and start serving all the citizens that needed renewal of ID, etc. We have become so depe dant on energy, Laptops, Mobiles, etc. What will happen if there isa shutdown of the energy, everything wil halt, perhaps not all, but a great amount of things.

Any organization should have backup system, in case thee is no electrical power, mainlythe Emergencias, Hospitals, First Aid, Airports, Etc.

Also there should be a Busdiness Continuity Plan, because what happens if your business is to attend customer service, you cannot stop due to that.


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