Short Take: Oinktoberfest, SudsUp! McCain's vote, the world is flat
- 4th Friday Suds Up! No. 1 is in the books. Daily Dave, Nanette Cosbeyand Mark Drogi joined us. We agreed to nominate General Tomfoolery as Secretary of Offense. Most of the world’s problems have been solved, for at least a day except West Short Brewing ran out of coffee cream ale. After we visited Oinktoberfest and listened to Miller and the Other Sinners. Killer trumpet. There will be more great music and fine food all weekend.
- Senator John McCain announced his intention to vote no on the latest Republican effort to kill Obama Care, citing it as not going far enough.…/mccain-comes-out-against-obamacare…
- Mayor Brown’s “Strike Force”, designed to get drugs and guns of the street is largely engaged in “stalk and frisk” with lots of warrantless searches, according to defense attorneys quoted in an Investigative Post article. Gosh, can't they just stick to ghetto roadblocks?…/buffalo-police-who-cro…/…
- Maria whacked the heck out of Puerto Rico where weak infrastructure will make recovery particularly challenging. Does FEMA help there?…/puerto-rico-s-weak-infrastructure-crea…
- Leaking water bottles everywhere have replaced the scourge of baby bottles, according to the Adequate Man blog entry.…
- Apparently the world is not ending on September 23, after all.…/doomsday-is-not-on-saturday-after-…
- Boyd Curiosity: On a train trip across the (former) Soviet Union, you will pass through 11 time zones. You will only need 1 watch. The trains run on Moscow time. At least they used to.
- WNY Weather: About 30 (86) and sunny until further notice. I might have to water our mums. That never happens.
- I thought it sounded like Newfoundland but alas no, New Brunswick. A chicken crosses the road daily at about 1 p.m. to visit Tim Horton’s in search of muffin crumbs or perhaps a double double.…/chicken-cross-road-shediac-tim-hortons-…
- The art of packing a backpack is just that. Deciding what goes where, and keeping it comfortable is a science. I keep things water proof in gallon ziplocks. I also have a small burlap bag that holds a headlamp, toilet paper, fire starting supplies and a knife because even in a dark pack, in a hurry, the burlap makes it feel differently an easier to find.…/packing-a-backpack-so-i-lose-fewer-i…/
- Cliff Pu is rising, getting an extended look in Sabres’ camp before heading back to dominate with the London Knights. It is a good thing.…/sabres-pu-making-most-his-opportuni…
- President Trump used an Alabama Rally as an opportunity to criticize NFL players like blackballed quarterback Colin Kaepernick who protest the National Anthem.…
- The last two summers, we looked at the edge of the earth on the eastern shore of North America. We could almost see it and worried a long boat ride might push us over the edge because the earth is flat. Sammy Watkins agrees. That was before his concussion.…/sammy-watkins-los-angeles-rams-earth-f…
- A highlight of that Short Take Suds Up! was Mark Drogi brought me a copy of a 1979 Reader’s Digest with an article about head injuries and concussions among football players. Oh come on. He just got his bell rung.
- All-22 Bills review with Joe B. from the Panthers game.…/joe-b-buffalo-bills-all-22-review-vs-…
Vol. 3, Issue 168 (892 (12 consecutive))