Short Take: DACA and prejudice, Big Irma cometh, Trump/Schumer/Pelosi a thing?
- Steve Pigeon is out there, twisting in the wind, polarizing Erie County Democrats and waiting for some sort of trial or perhaps another indictment.…/090…/rise-and-fall-steve-pigeon
- As Irma beats on and Harvey drains away, the Columbia River Gorge will never be the same, rather than a massive tragedy, a gutting of a sacred place that leaves a hollow spot in the soul. It will never be the same.…/as_eagle_creek_fire_rages_why.h…
- It’s going to be windy and rainy in Florida over the next week or so. People will die. Other than that, everything is normal in God’s waiting room (my second favorite province, after Newfoundland, eh?)…/os-hurricane-irma-20170907…
- 15 states have united to attempt to save the dreamers. Part of their suit cites the repeated animus of President Trump’s language toward Mexicans. I wouldn’t think much of that but it was his history of such remarks against Islamic folks that lead to court losses for his immigration ban. You can’t treat people differently because of religion, nationality or skin color, even if they aren’t citizens.…/states-sue-to-block-daca-termination-c…
- The Wall Street Journal ripped President Trump for reaching an agreement with Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi for a 90-day extension of the debt ceiling, lamenting “the Republican gang that couldn’t even shoot each other straight.”…/editorial-blasts-trump-for-giving-…
- This from Mark Genco regarding Metabolic and Dietary Solutions. “Please think twice before proceeding with this lifestyle! It may well cost you thousands of dollars! I have been following Jennifer George Walsh's recommendations and monitoring this website since the middle of June. I do not cheat. I am seldom hungry. I have lost 30 pounds and 5 inches off my waist, and now have been forced to buy an entire new wardrobe! Jennifer - it is all your fault!”
- The Lowest of the Low are still out there, singing about Toronto neighborhoods and landmarks and the oh-so-polite Canadian experience. There’s even a new album.…/toronto-haunts-that-have-inspire…/…
- Here’s a delightful cooking show from a right handed woman. “Stump Kitchen” so syrupy sweet you forget what “gluten free vegenaise stumpstastic treats” means. Embrace ability. There is not dis. Besides, juicing a lemon with a stump is interesting.…/stump-kitchen-edmonton-cooking-1.4275522
- Judicial Watch is still attempting in court to gain access to Clinton e-mails possessed by the FBI. Unfortunately, Trump appointees keep thwarting the effort. Why are they protecting Hillary and is the Tweeter-in-Chief secretly on her side?…/judicial-watch-statement-c…/…
- WNY Weather: Rain with highs of about 18 (64) until it turns nice Sunday. There will be enough dry periods for sports practices and some gardening. My lawn never did go brown this year. The autumn clematis is blooming.
- Is Sen. Bob Menendez a bribe accepting, scheming corrupt politician at the highest level of government or just a good old boy who lives a lavish lifestyle because that’s what the ruling class does?…/prosecutor-says-menendez-did-favors-fo…
- Frank Parlato Jr. is a lot of things, including a journalist who writes about things that interest him or in which he has an interest. That said, his observations on fixed bidding for pavers on Goat Island is spot on. If it isn’t an indictable offense, I don’t know what is.…/
- Lots of readers come here daily, never like, share or comment, and then tell me in person. Some others, like Patti Zander and Bob Van Hise, don’t often comment but share daily. Thank you all.
- So this will most assuredly bring out the Foxie-news Russkie bots. Facebook has admitted accepting political ads from the Kremlin during the last Presidential election.…/32f01fd2-931e-11e7-89fa-bb…
- Boyd Curiosity: I am told the favorite food of goats is poison ivy.
- Buffalo Star, a new sports Website covering our region with a heavy focus on Bills and Sabres has launched.
- Seattle Seahawks defensive end Michael Bennett reported being detained at gunpoint in Las Vegas after the Mayweather McGregor fight for the alleged crime of being black in public. I suspect there is more to the story, because I always give the police the benefit of the doubt, but still . . .he got treated like he was in Kenmore.…/michael-bennett-seattle-seahawks-…
- A long-suffering Toronto Bills fan recaps some painful laments that leave me wondering why I, too, don’t just give up.…/why-i-stopped-cheering-for-the-pr…
- Meanwhile, Jets coach Todd Bowles sees a strategic advantage in not revealing who his backup quarterback is, Bryce Petty or Christian Hackenberg. And you thought the Bills had it bad.…/jets-coach-todd-bow…/639771001/
- Be optimistic. Here’s a list of 8 things that need to happen for the Bills to make the playoffs. 10 wins gets Tyrod a new contract.…/what_has_to_happen_for_sean…
Vol. 3, Issue 153 (877 (63 consecutive))