Short and Sweet — English vs. Italian length

Short and Sweet — English vs. Italian length

I like to be helpful to my clients and welcome their requests with open arms. But it can happen that the demands of good English force me to turn down a client’s request, as I did recently when I was asked to make my English translation closer in length to the Italian original to avoid awkward page layouts. As I translate documents in which the readability and flow of the English are particularly important (as opposed to, say, legal documents, which are meant to be unreadable in every language), my English translation is generally between 10% and 20% shorter than the Italian original. Part of this is just that English words are shorter on average than Italian ones, but a great deal of it is because good English values concision and shuns redundancy.?Other factors making good English shorter include a preference for active sentence construction and using verbs instead of nouns.

I discuss some of these “cultural differences” between English and Italian elsewhere. Both to help my clients understand why there’s this difference and as a reference for my colleagues, here is a list of examples of possible translations with a much shorter character count. Of course, the choice of translation depends on many factors and in some contexts I might choose a wordier option.

Other pithy examples? Add in comments.

  1. In questo locale è severamente vietato fumare???????????No smoking
  2. Il mese di febbraio??????????????????????February
  3. Il colore rosso????????????????????????????Red
  4. Rappresenta???????????????????????????????Is
  5. Il sopracitato architetto milanese???????He
  6. Dedicato a??????????????????????????????????For
  7. Infatti, infine, invece, anche, inoltre??
  8. è della massima importanza??????It’s essential
  9. è possibile?????????????????????????????????Can
  10. Ha permesso??????????????????????????????Let
  11. Era reso possibile da??????????????????Let
  12. Cosiddetto?????????????????????????????????“”
  13. Dispone di?????????????????????????????????Has
  14. Estremamente????????????????????????????Very
  15. L’immobile che si trova all’indirizzo?The property at
  16. Basta pensare a??????????????????????????e.g.,
  17. Colgo l’occasione per porgere i miei più cordiali saluti?????????Sincerely,
  18. Contemporaneamente????????????????At once
  19. Ha acquisito uno spessore maggiore??Thickened
  20. Procede a fare?????????????????????????????Does
  21. Ma allo stesso tempo????????????????Yet
  22. Modificati e alterati???????????????????Altered
  23. Metà del secondo decennio del Cinquecento circa?????Around 1515
  24. Vi preghiamo di reggervi agli appositi sostegni??????????Please hang on

Lucrezia Boncagni

Team Lead Account Management @byrd

3 年

Love it! :)

Lilia Pino Blouin

Your English-Italian interpreter in America, when stakes are high. || Tech-savvy conference and legal interpreter. Experienced in cinema and culture, politics, business, finance, pharma. In New York ?? and online ?? AIIC

3 年

I love this list you created, Miriam! Spot on. That's why I LOVE interpreting from Italian into English - I have time to think because I use the shorter versions you list so clearly. The other way around, on the other hand...a nightmare!

Charlotte Matoussowsky

Traductrice anglais, russe, italien → fran?ais en sciences humaines.

9 年

A professor I had in Forlì, a native Italian who knew French very well, used to compare the “barocco” aspect of Italian prose with the classicism of French (which is still much more wordy than English, but usually has a more formal structure). Russian as a language loves repetitions and emphasis too!

David García Ruiz ??

Driving Organic Growth | SEO | Strategy | Content Creation | Translation

9 年

Very good points. I usually find it hard to fit Spanish translations from English when the number of characters is limited, ie Google Adwords.

Ode Laforge

--Traduction et adaptation

9 年

The problem is very much the same with English vs. French. French needs many more words than English to express the same thing.For example, "drive back home" (three words in English) becomes, once translated into French: "Faire le trajet du retour en voiture" , (seven words), or "rentrer à la maison en voiture" (six words) or "rentrer chez soi en voiture" (five words). I can't think of a shorter way to say that in French! :-)



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