Short Staffed?
Its Monday morning, you arrive to work ahead of scheduled with your uniform pristine clean ready to rock………. When, suddenly it goes pear shape!
What’s happened? Your two colleagues have called in sick.
That’s where we step in, calling an agency might be your last resort but it might be the only way you are going to get a ward of 32 patients fed.
We stand over our Three Q’s - Qualified staff, in the Quantity you require, giving Quality at all times.
We focus on continuity, we train our staff on your site and in-house, we ensure they are vetted, we have a 24 hour Oncall Service.
As we are an SME; we have a personal touch - I believe this transfers to out Temporary Division. 80% staff stay in on-going contracts – this allows them to know you and know your clients.
I know it can be daunting getting a new agency staff and you are probably thinking ‘by the time I train this person in it would be quicker doing the work myself’. However, this may be true to some point - but look at it as being an extra pair of hands, give them the least managed jobs you can get on with the important tasks, think of them as an extension to your Team
So when you are looking for agency staff, look at the positives as opposed to the negatives!
Extending your Team - Let me Help!
Contact me on 01-8783335