A Short Note behind “the Right to Be Healthy”

A Short Note behind “the Right to Be Healthy”

When publishing article, declaration for the human right to be healthy, I did not intend to make it as a provocation or a hoax news. I just want to touch in our rational awareness and ensuring that my aim on the declaration is not stuck on a superstitious hope, indeed…

 Weeks ago, a governmental surveyor came to our home and my wife welcomed her. After appropriate introduction she asked if we had any chronic disease and where we went if getting sickness and other questions. My wife answered that we all were in good health. But the interesting question was when she asked “is there a smoker in this family member?”. My wife said, ”Yes! The kids’ father”. Then she left our home after putting on our window’s glass, a sticker with label “Unhealthy Family” (It’s written by TS -Tidak Sehat-).

(I’m so sorry if it is out of courtesy)… I just wonder if the surveyor visited Barbara Bush’s home. She got heart and lung diseases but she did not smoke. Of course, she had the first’s class treatment for years and she never healed. What would label be put on by the surveyor?

 Anyway, Barbara’s decision reminds me to the death of my beloved mother in 2007. She got a grab of diabetic pills daily for almost two decades as well as she had been hospitalized into many hospitals in three neighbourhood towns in our province.

I did not know who gave her the idea to visit a traditional healer, three days before her death. The healer gave her black pills like small marbles and he called it as “Aceh’s coffee” but other people said that the pill was a kind of traditional palliative drug since it contained cannabis. My mother had to consume the drug as much as 17 pills a day and the healer gave her a bulk prescription for 7 days. He said that the intake quantities reflect the movement counting on Muslim daily praying. How dare he was to cheat others by inserting whatever in his mind!

 The World Readers! I urge to warn you on many irrational patterns including the placebo concept of modern treatment which inserted into the healing concept. I reveal the naturally right concept based on the worldwide scientist’s finding and researches in my book. I called it as “the healing mechanism”. It is not about the religions nor on the scientific knowledge but the healing mechanism can be found in each natural body. Even, house lizards have special ability to reproduce their tails through the naturally 3D printing out technology after their tails cut off. They do not need to be hospitalized while growing their new tails.

 We back… I was called by my father on the next day after my mother started to get delusion. I was very angry but I just could regret the situation. When I cleaned her body with a wet handkerchief on her bed, she said how great shower it was…the flowers with many beautiful colors… water splashes, she pointed her finger toward the wall and the floor. She also told me that there were many people which waiting to bring her to the graveyard and I did not see those people. It made me cry.

 The next morning, she started in comma and she did not move at all except very weak and slow breath around five hours before her death. Two hours before she died, one of my brothers advised us to bring her to the nearest hospital. Spontaneously she raised her hand and waved it to sign “no” or she might say a “good bye” but we didn’t ever bring her to any hospital, again.

 I hope those brief stories giving us the right idea why some people reject for “usual” treatment before their deaths. They felt too tired to live in long… long sickness and hopeless treatment. Those human spirits had surrendered!

 Imagine now… by hoping to be healed from meningitis, a celebrity in my country got the first’s class treatment on a famous hospital in a neighbour country. He died after around 300 days’ treatment in 2014 – 2015 with millions US Dollar cost to die leaving his family to restart their life as a humble family, again.

Is it a real first class if a patient cannot be healed during years in a highly expensive treatment? Or the soul just has decided to die in a happy vanity end.

 The World Readers! Can you catch my idea and do we truly need the right to be healthy? Frankly, I don’t know what is the really mean with the term, the right to be healthy. All I know is that the interpretation on the right to health avoided those words very clearly. The term looks like a bigger monster than the deadly diseases which preying a billion of human life silently. But I know exactly what I mean with “the along life steady state healthy merit”.

 Then, I am raising the flag for Trimedicology to support the right to be healthy as well as the along life steady state healthy merit. In this new emerging science, our bodies will have limitless supports to fight against all diseases since its formulas can be supplied into our bodies within a non-dosage concept safely. Then, we can synchronize Trimedicology to adopt other sciences like on food and nutrients in order to setup the quantity and quality of materials which needed for building the new parts in the healing mechanism; etc.

If you’ve read my book,” Healthy Transformation”, you should be able to summarize by your self that at the cellular and tissue levels, medicines (herbal, chemical and whatsoever) are irrational relating to heal from any disease safely. Those medicines might give a lucky support, who knows? Because the healing mechanism in our bodies works just like any other mechanic professional expert when we render our damaged vehicles to be repaired.

 The expert will remove all damaged parts and install the new suitable parts. But the healing mechanism by itself will produce and install the new parts directly at the sites like the house lizards by using the naturally 3D printing out technology. Amazing! Isn’t it?

 Nothing better than the natural healing mechanism to heal us from all diseases along the life safely, especially in the human right context since everyone has had it in each body.

 Most thanks for any support -like & share- or read my book.

About the Author:

Odri Seva – O’Seva – is the inventor of BA2C TP formula; the initiator of globally healthy transformation and the author of book, “Healthy Transformation”. Healthy transformation starts from declaration a new human right to be healthy, it’s the along life steady state healthy merit. To realize the human right to be healthy, he is also founding Trimedicology as a new science of medics. Those new breakthroughs will bring new real hopes to defeat all deadly diseases which preying around a billion death tolls of human life and around a hundred trillion US Dollar of worldwide people’s wealth as the treatment cost to die during the New Millennium.


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