A short introduction to blockchain
mustapha S.
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John Lennon forgot to add a stanza . "imagine there's no money' because that was impossible to imagine in the sixties. It was impossible to imagine a nameless , faceless ubiquitous Technology that would digitize his songs , and put his signature on it , which then could drizzle him royalties throughout lifetimes.
It it still impossible to imagine a moneyless world.
we now have a radio less world , a typewriter less world , a telephoneless world , but we are still living thriving and beaming out our reality and beaming in people and places far away , instantly, to our reality in any gps location .
Block chain is such . a faceless justifying system that build trust between an infinite number of distrusted nodes.
If john lennon had a white paper , that described the payoff , in a smart contract, whoever listened to it. downloaded it , would give an appreciation charge of a peppercorn rent 0.0000000001 lennon created tokens , lets name them BeatleJuice. to lennons posterity.
His guitar , could be digitally cryptographed , and the information could be hash coded to a particular signature digest , defining authenticity of a picture of sny obect of art.
John lennon would not need a passport to travel , no digital retina scan and no thumb print . a digital signature of the vital measurement of a person would give his information condensed into a 256 digit virtually random number and further condensed to a password , which will return errors if parameters given do not execute.
Ethereum codes and wallets are also stowable in three form , password , digital paper , crypto wallets , hot and cold for short or long term deposits, and behaves these like money but it is more mercurial than money , meaning harder to stash and volatility of value , exchange with it is smooth but a trading gap is observed. John would carry , three wallets for his ordinary business of life , like having coffee , or picking up laundry he would use his leather imprinted wallet .
For his saving and investments a silver disc, and for long term assets property deeds , ddeeds of contracts , he would sport a gold token wallet , kept in a safe . so he would have a hot wallet a cold wallet and a frozen one.
Later john would declare stepping of the private jet . that he would launch an ico , mamy people will think , how is this possible , many will think eveything is possible through technology. Ok then ico is what . and why woud you do that lennon.
I am john lennon , I write hit songs and and I have goodwill , who is gonna do this when you are dead . everything of your talent has gone , you are only left with insurance money and royalties from goodwill to pay bills you never used the energy of .
John lennon needs GAS now , so what he considers is that My goodwill must be sold . all at once , future generation willl build their own goodwill , but my foundation will suffer if they make bad decision and their royalties will fail.
Since I am creating this value for future royalties to flow to my successors . and I do not know what they will treat this goodwill as , and there may be a possibility of conflict and my goodwill destroyed partially of completely .
Ok john lennon so you propose to set up ICO to sell or share or divide up or give voting rights to dividends , payoffs , social status . club membership , on to p of things etc etc etc . in a positive way .how would that happen.
Basic standard token name ERC 20 standard is a program , just like any other , it can build a set of rules , times , frequencies and stops , for a payment readfable from a cryptotoken. This is running on an ethereum blockchain network.
Why ethereum , lets say conglomerate corporate bodies and FIN INST. All over have spend many coffee hours on this as R&D . and wanting cryptocurrency to be beneficial to them and their system , have together colluded to trade business and finance to be in ethereum , golam and a few other currencies … see link. If ever such a thing as a global money meltdown occurred , remember here that during 2008 , financial black melt Wednesdays and Mondays , satoshi nakamoto , painfully drew out a program to counter balance such world disasters . you see . rich are never effected by money or the lack of it , it is the proletariat , who go and find the bank doors closed , and come home to ruination.
So how would blockchain make money bitcoins or anything of value . this is a tough question with a simple answer that is really tough to get your head around .
I will explain it technically and then with an analogy. Anlogy first
Christmas light light up a building , say all the LED are in series , one bulb fails , half way , then half the building goes dark, the fixer going back to fix and replace that bulb , will start at the point where there is a true bulb and a false bulb , after replacing the LED , the light continues till the next bulb to be replaced there may be long chains or short chains of disturbances.
The more difficult the finding and replacing false for true is the mininers jobs who are scattered around the world and have googles of computing power and oodles of space , to mine for establishment of one synchronous longest chain going back to the genesis code , the first primary input code of that blockchain , the and earn a token from the blockchain named bitcoin or ethereum or golam etc etc etc . the finding gets harder and harder over time and the supply is limited for bitcoins at 21 million by 2023 , and also because its programmed like so , other currencies have variant supply curves written in code.
Tecnnically a block of information of transaction history or payment details are behaving like a ledger that is public and everyone has access to. The ledger is non central , and exist as on the blockchain and accessible to everyone .
The ledger is continuously accounted audited and upgraded by miners.
The block of the ledger is QED by miners , or staked by them then transaction parties sign them , the blocks form a daisy chain that are homegeneously hashed together through time signatures and hash functions .
Defrauding this independent block chain system would need the computational power of darthvader with a quantum qomputers ” “ we do not have to worry about that bridge now.
A trusted node is anode with a multiple history of transactions within a blockchain. Ecology. A trusted node establishes connection with an untrusted node , through a system of escrow or , recognizition , verification system . to do transaction , instantly across the world Value is transferred.
Ok how else would John lennons life be different .
Well john would have to wrtite a white paper instead of bringing out a white album.
Consisting of the same things attitude ,team goals theme scope benefits payoffs.
He would need cool maths
He would have to sit and construct with an architect a smart blockchain application, to raise as much or as many cryptic tokens as he would deem his valued goodwill , his concrete road map to his common shared goals , and the outcome of payoff’s.
He would be navigating the blockchain Smart technology.
rip johnlennon.
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7 年a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so. ans wer: entrepreneur