A short guide on security techniques used in software engineering
Choosing a software security technique is crucial, and deciding which training option to upskill on security #hardening for software engineering can be a headache. The important thing is that avoiding security bugs in software is feasible.
To help you make a better decision, we have written a short guide about the most known software security practices, their advantages and disadvantages. Finally, we cover a design technique based on mathematical models and formal methods that allows your team to reinforce software security powerfully in a few simple steps.
Before starting, we will explain the background of the most current software security strategies and their associated biases.
Software security background
Security bugs are one of the most worrying matters in current software engineering. Misleading information has led some developers to believe, erroneously, that it is not possible to develop completely secure software. However, it is. The lack of scientific knowledge access, the fear of committing mistakes and the absence of adequate training have resulted in anchoring and bandwagon biases: too many software developers are convinced that they are not able to avoid 100% of the security risks, so software security is delegated to third parties: frameworks, libraries, and even on cloud services and servers.
Of course, there are many managed servers and VPS with highly proficient security conditions. However, it does not matter how hardened the server security is when the software security is not invulnerable. So, a software development team cannot delegate security and should responsibly face the problem. That is the main reason to think seriously about security.
Known security techniques for software development and their disadvantages
Mathematical models based on hypothetical syllogisms: software security by design in a few simple steps
Security by design (sometimes referred to as a model or technique) is the name given by the software industry to bearing security questions in mind during the designing time. Security by design is not a design model or technique itself but a concept. It is more of a “think of security when designing the software” strategy. Similarly, we can find the notion of “security by default”, which means “deliver the software with the best security configuration possible”. Both can be said to be “strategies”.
The software industry has tried to do it as best as possible. However, no standard model has been proposed. Beyond that, it is possible to find research papers that suggest different architectural structures to achieve software security by design. It may be a good exercise to look for them on the internet.
Nevertheless, many years ago, science gave us a method that could be applied to all scientific disciplines. This method is called the hypothetico-deductive method and is based on hypothetical and categorical syllogisms, among other logic and scientific concepts.
When a software development team is presented for the first time with the idea of using logic and formal methods to secure software and information, first impressions can be negative and even a bit chaotic. That is because of the negative connotations of logic and mathematics in the modern era of software development. However, this method is accessible even to a junior software developer.
Based on hypotheses (suppositions with consequences), a formal model (or mathematical model) consists of two steps. For each software component:
The function uses an “if not” statement to return false when a variable does not coincide with the component definition. It is a basic function that any software developer could write. The complexity is in the component definition.
You can read a brief introduction about hypothetical syllogisms to secure information for free on The IT Writers? website.
What does your development team need to start using formal models to secure the software components and information?
Only two topics are needed:
Resources to learn for your developer team
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