No Short Cuts in Recruitment, Please…
Capt. Rahul Sharma
CEO & CHRO | Executive and Life Coach, Psychometrician, Transformational HR, Skill Development, Mentoring & Employee Engagement.
Human Beings by nature are somewhat Reactive …. Most react (often a knee jerk reaction) once something happens and we react badly when something bad happens.
A lot has been spoken (and shown on TV) and done as of now after the tragic incident of a Murder of a 7-year young child at Ryan School at Gurugram. This has already resulted in some action in terms of arrest of not only the Murderer but also 2 senior Ryan officials are behind bars besides suspension of the Principal of the school (by the School Management) and heat is on the CEO of the Ryan Chain of School. So, this is not just about the immediate and shocking incident, it is going much beyond.
The process starts with setting Policies, Procedures and Culture in the place where Human Resources work in any capacity. One of the official arrested is the Head HR of Ryan School for not following the procedures in hiring of regular and Contractual resources. Now, we know that Corporate India is used to the idea of background verification process followed for its new employees. This is also somewhat “Reaction” to the demands of Customers / Clients, primarily in IT / ITES domain. Sometimes, it is done diligently and sometimes some compromises are made – knowingly or unknowingly.
The process of Background verification or using other hiring tools like Psychometric tests for new hires acts as a means to “know” more about the candidate. This process is a good indicator of the traits and past behavior of the concerned candidate. This also follows the Golden rule of Recruitment that “Past Behavior / Performance is the Best Indicator of Future actions on Behavior and performance parameters.” But, this also cannot answer all the questions and primarily acts as a good process / policy and is a deterrent against possible future frauds / actions.
Of late, we are seeing a lot of incidents, frauds and sexual harassment cases coming out in public domain. These are from corporates, private cab aggregators, schools and Housing societies besides individual cases as well. It could be a blue collared person, white or ultra white collared employee or any contractual employee like a Driver, Conductor, peon, electricians and Housekeeping staff etc. The point is to act Pro actively and do some basic tests / Checks before hiring.
The process should be followed for all levels and categories of employees, without fail and inspite of any temptation to save money and time.
Post Mumbai Attacks in 2008 or other Terrorist attacks, border skirmishes or even individual cases of frauds there are many promises made and funds made available for rectifying the problem … again as a Reaction. But we see a gradual decline in the interest and intent level and the so called changes or reforms die an unnatural death. Mostly, everything is money led and ROI oriented but the pre hiring tools like specified Psychometric tests and Background verification process always meets its ROI and save headache for the Management and owners of business etc. God forbid, if something bad happens then the legal trouble(s) for the Management and Owners can be saved, if the laid down / well defined Recruitment and Selection Process is followed properly.
A decision has been taken recently by The CBSE Board to test all its Non Teaching staff through Psychometric Analysis and background verification to be done for all. The same should be done for all Schools, Educational Institutes and Corporates as well. Of course, there are many established companies / Institutes doing all of these through reputed and past players with good results. I would like to introduce RH Factor Corporaate Solutions Pvt Ltd and RH Gurucool Edutech (I) Pvt Ltd as new players on the block offering Total HR solutions, including Psychometric Solutions and Assessment / Development Centres and Counselling for Corporates (MSMEs and big players), Educational Institutes, Housing Societies, all categories / levels of Employees and Students (9th standard onwards). Background Verification process has been recently added and started. These all services are offered at a much discounted price (volume discount being passed on to Clients) and with 100% deligence and sincerity. This obviously needs support as every start up requires.
May I request to please refer RH Factor / me to help companies / Educational Institutes / Housing Societies etc to set up their Policies and Processes besides using the interventions like Psychometric Tools and BVF Process for pre hiring and hiring purpose.
You can visit or write in at [email protected] or [email protected] for any details.
I think some self-branding should be done as now I am on the other side of the table. I can contribute more to any client by virtue of the practices and processes followed in many companies, besides sharing knowledge and making Best Practices / Signature Policies for each company.