Short Cut your Career Success!

Short Cut your Career Success!


It is not always easy to be open and honest about your areas of weakness… But being honest about areas you truly know are a challenge are part of polishing your professional skills and enhancing your career.

Additionally it is important to look at these so called weaknesses as opportunities and not something negative as this will empower you to take a positive step forward to change.

However learning something new and especially from scratch can take a lot of hard work and time and for busy folks that can be a challenge. And yet there is a way to expedite this process of change and learning, a way to short cut your path to success.

And one of those ways is to as the well known Tony Robbins puts it is to “Model best practices, copying strategies that already work from other people”

There is always someone out there who has done what you need to learn.

Always someone who is performing at a higher level than you are currently capable. And learning from these experts can take you to where you want to go, a lot quicker than just struggling to try and figure things out on your own.

If you can find either internally in your own organization or someone externally who are successful at what they do and are already doing what you want to achieve then as Tony puts it you can model their key strategies they already have in place, and take your own game to a higher level in a quicker time frame ??

Once you know who that is, you need to ask yourself what can they teach me/what can I learn from following what they have already done?

These experts have already worked very hard to get where they are and what you need to is simply learn some of the strategy they used to get where they are now.

People aren’t just lucky and things simply don't fall into their lap. They’ve already shed tears, sweat and even blood to get where they are today. Success takes time and a lot of hard work! Hence learning a few tips & tricks from them and expediting your own success isn't a bad thing...

No, you won’t be able to go from go directly to the end of the game by learning what they did and how they did it, to be successful you still have to put a lot of work in, but you’ll be able to create a stronger strategy to get yourself where you want to go! 

And chances are you’ll get there a lot easier by learning from others what works and what doesn’t work, allowing you to save a lot of time and also learn what tools and support you might need in advance.

You’ve heard many times, that to be successful you should surround yourself with people better than you, to stretch yourself and learn and grow. It can also be a great driver of personal motivation when you “hang-out” with smart people ??

And you don’t actually have to "know them"directly to "hang-out" with them. Using social media platforms, websites and blogs, you’re able to follow people indirectly.

Find someone to follow and look out for their posts they put on LinkedIn etc, look at their career, what career progression they may have had, courses and training they may have done etc. You can also join professional groups on LinkedIn and ask these groups directly for advice, you’ll be pleasantly surprised that there are a lot of great people out there willing to help and provide advice.

However be careful with advice from others and as they say “Never listen to someone who is more screwed up than you are”… YouTube or TED talks are another great source of information.

It's great if you can find someone internally in your own organization, even if your company doesn’t have an official mentor program, have the confidence and go and ask senior and experienced colleagues for advice and help.

“When we surround ourselves with people that are better than us or see other people as a role model. You say to yourself, ‘If they can do this, then so can I.’” According to Tony Robbins.

By the way, this isn’t some kind of new sophisticated way of learning, it’s natural for all of us to model success, you learnt from your parents as a child so many things, you sat in a school classroom and learnt from your teaches how this world works… So why stop this way of learning now.

Some things to think about before taking this path of modeling best practices:

  1. Who has done what I want to do? Modeling requires you to pick the right person and learn everything you can about them. What challenges did they face and how did they overcome them http
  2. s://'s not about being a copycat though. Modeling is about learning from others and then making this your own. As you learn how to become succe
  3. ssful, modify these new strategies for your own purposes. Ask your HR manager for help or your own manager, do they have a mentor program in-house
  4. , or can they recommend someone who would be able to help?Consider a professional business coach as well, coaches have a wealth of knowledge and experiences, just make sure you get on well with the coach, you need to get pretty close from a relationship standpoint and you need to have a good rapport to wo
  5. rk closely together. Coaching can be pretty costly though.Write down what you want to achieve, a lot of times we have a vague idea of what success looks like, but make it clear and write out what
  6. this success will look like when you actually get there. Use milestones! Obviously this is a journey just like any other and if you don’t stop every now and then and check you are going in the right direc
  7. tion and track the journey it becomes harder to complete. No success is achieved without any effort. Thomas Edison said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” If it doesn't work keep going, keep persevering, but also be flexible and make adjustments if needed on the way,

maybe even consider writing or adjusting your over goals.

Oh and one great strategy to learn from other people, is to make sure you Subscribe to the Simon & John Careers Podcast, learning amazing tips & tricks from John and myself and of course from our wonderful guests -

Article by: Simon Cropper


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