Short analysis of Government funded VET qualification stats
Phill Bevan
Advisor | Strategy, Technology, Capability ??????????????????~????????????????????~???????????????? ??????????????????
What is happening with government funded VET full qualifications?
The graph represents short analysis of government funded VET full qualifications (training packages & accredited qualifications) using National VET Provider Collection. VOCSTATS.
Total enrolments are at 2009 levels. Despite a 23% population increase since then.
Why won't Australian Governments invest in VET?
Total completions are at 2009 levels. Despite a 23% population increase since then.
Why the large enrolment and completion drop in the last 12 years? Here are two ideas.
What Completion Rates?!
Notoriously hard to track due to the differing qualification durations and 4-6 year delay before all qualifications in a commencement year are finalised (completed / withdrawn).
Very interesting however is to look at:
The green line on the graph below is the completion ratio percentage.
Completions peaked in 2014. At 34%.
Yes, the highest it has ever been is 34%.
NCVER has just reported official completion rate for 2019 commencements as 47.3%
Such a large completion rate discrepancy between government funded qualifications and all qualifications perhaps reflects that students value qualifications study more when they are fee for service (student, family, employer paying)?
Free or subsidised is less valued, leading to less completions.
Now why did the completion ratio peak in 2014?
One explanation is that Apprenticeships and Traineeships peaked in 2012/13 (with over 50% of the sector wiped out with Gillard / Rudd employer incentive cuts).
Students in real jobs in real workplaces with employer support are more likely to complete their qualification. As work-based pathway enrolments dropped, and a greater share of study was 'campus-based' so the completion ration percentage dropped.
Why won't Australian Governments support employer engagement for work-based VET? It achieves greater outcomes.
Completion rates as a ratio of annual enrolments versus completions below.
2003 - 20%
2004 - 21%
2005 - 22%
2006 - 20%
2007 - 22%
2008 - 24%
2009 - 26% (Productivity Places Program underway - strong employer focus)
2010 - 27%
2011 - 28% (ASQA commences - Enterprise RTO exits from VET accelerate)
2012 - 29% (Gillard & Rudd employer incentive cuts commence)
2013 - 30%
2014 - 34% Completion ratio peak
(Prior years peak apprentice & traineeship numbers are completing)
2015 - 33%
2016 - 30% (VET FEE HELP collapse)
2017 - 29%
2018 - 29%
2019 - 29%
2020 - 27%
2021 - 26%
2022 - 26%
2023 - 24% Completion ratio is at the lowest rate since 2008
Vocational Education Leader | Union Advocate | Expert in Engineering Fabrication & AI-Driven Learning & Assessment | Championing Innovation & Worker Rights in Education
4 个月Without increased investment in vocational education, Australia's skill shortages will persist, hampering our ability to meet industry demands. Targeted funding for VET programs is essential to improve completion rates and ensure training aligns more effectively with workforce needs. Progress in addressing these shortages begins with a commitment to robust and responsive education.