Shoreline Solutions
Rural Solutions
Helping to create remarkable spaces and enterprises in rural Britain which enable people and places to thrive
By Sally Ormiston | 06.08.24
When you think of the countryside, it’s usually rolling green hills or expansive moorlands that spring to mind rather than sandy beaches, but our coastal areas have many similarities with inland rural places.
This month, we have been reflecting on our growing portfolio of projects in coastal locations and Sally Ormiston, Head of Consulting, looks at the considerations for coastal development.
The uniqueness of coastal locations
Maybe it was the approach of our holidays, or the canal barges cruising past our office that inspired us, but we’ve been talking all things waters-edge and looking back at some of the projects we have delivered in coastal locations and at some of the features that make these projects unique.
From one-off country homes in cliff-top locations to amazing holiday properties on the beach, to new leisure and tourism experiences, and the development of homes for coastal communities, we have a growing portfolio of coastal projects.
Whilst many of the same considerations apply to coastal as to inland rural locations when it comes to planning, design and development, there are also things to think about that are unique to these places.
The enduring appeal of the coast
For those who own or aspire to own land and property in coastal locations, the attractions are many. Most obvious are the sea views and landscapes that provide stunning backdrops for aspirational homes and vast playgrounds for outdoor enthusiasts.
The enduring appeal of the coast to visitors for day trips and longer stays makes the opportunities for leisure and tourism experiences many and varied with the growing appeal of activities like cold water swimming, paddleboarding, and wake-surfing attracting a new demographic of visitors to UK beaches.
The climate, landscapes and natural environment, rich in habitats and biodiversity are an inherent part of the appeal and must be protected, and can support innovative aquaculture, agriculture and renewable energy.
Coastal communities
As well as the obvious attractions, there are issues facing coastal communities that should be considered. An overreliance on tourism, creating extremes of fortune in and out of season for those reliant on visitors for their income typifies many coastal places, with the prevalence of holiday homes causing housing supply and affordability issues.
Some places are victims of their own popularity with overcrowding putting pressure on infrastructure and the environment. The appealing position of such places can also be to their detriment with an increasing number of coastal communities vulnerable to the effects of climate change - rising sea levels and coastal erosion.
Why good development matters
Well considered, sustainable development – of homes, businesses, leisure and tourism experiences, is a key appeal of coastal locations, as well as an important contributor to the viability of these communities.
At Rural Solutions we have helped to create many fantastic coastal developments that bring benefits to their location, with each one responding to its setting to create functional and beautiful spaces.
When looking at coastal development, there are some key considerations to bear in mind:
Careful consideration of appropriate land management, design and development is vital if we are to protect these unique locations and enable coastal communities to thrive.
Get in touch
To find out more about our work in coastal communities please email [email protected].