Shopper Marketing Weekly Snacks #01

Shopper Marketing Weekly Snacks #01

Putting the shopper experience first

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One-stop shopping. It’s 2022 and retailers know that customer experience is the key to a shopper’s heart (and wallet ??). The COVID-19 pandemic and WFH trend allowed more people to shop online and discover the e-Commerce experience. However, there are some brands that understood how to combine both online and offline, just like?Kroger and Bed Bath & Beyond. These two well-known retailers launched a multi-category omnichannel experience.

Perch’s Digital Shelf.?A great shopping experience is much more impactful in-store. That’s why?Giant Foods combined technology and creativity?to offer a phygital experience in-store. An interactive end cap that incorporates a digital screen ??? that automatically senses what products shoppers touch and offers information about those items. Watch Perch Interactive?digital shelf video here.

Pixel Byte on Prepare for a Byte-like experience from ??Coca-Cola. The renowned brand decided to go DTC with one of their newest line of products. The short supply of products (Pixel-Flavored Zero Sugar Byte) can be purchased from

Shopping patterns are no longer predictable

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Emotional eating.?First came the pandemic, then came the inflation, and now what? Customers seem to be a bit disoriented ?? by the changes that are happening globally and this can be seen in their purchasing decisions and shopping habits. The COVID-19 Pandemic left food as the ultimate coping mechanism. Now, the?NPD Group’s report?shows that shoppers are more concerned about health and wellness, and they base their shopping decisions on how healthy a product really is.?

Food prices soar.?Another thing that seems to keep shoppers in limbo about their purchasing decisions is the rising inflation. Many countries are seeing empty shelves and product recipes ?? changed because of the lack of oil supplies. Also, the price of fertilizers has risen which means that this year the cereal and vegetable supply is going to be lower. Of course, these problems are causing?people to rethink what and how many products they purchase.?

In-store sales rebound. However, with all of these changes, shoppers are coming back to the store ?? and spending more than ever.?Mastercard SpendingPulse?shows that sales increased by 8.4% in March and?more people are shopping in-store. We also believe that inflation has something to do with the rise in sales.?

Grocery retailers are starting to value their employees more

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Hit the road, trucker!?Moving on from shoppers to employees, some of the biggest retailers are starting to value their employees more. A?driver shortage prompted Walmart?to raise truckers’ pay ?? and offer a training program. The retailer said truck drivers will now make between $95,000 and $110,000 in their first year with Walmart.

Learning new skills.?Tesco is another retailer that wants to show that it values its employees. ??The retailer plans to?invest £200m in colleague pay and skills. In the last 10 years, Tesco’s hourly rate of pay has increased by more than 40%. Good job, Tesco!

You get a job and you get a job.?Last but not least, Home Bargains saw a whopping rise in sales which allowed the retailer to ?????create over 2000 jobs. The number of staff employed by the retailer rose 9% from 25,279 to 27,553 as the company ended the year with 552 stores, up from 525.

Happy cows, eco-friendly initiatives, and a lack of success with sustainability goals

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Meeting sustainability targets.?Sustainability is one of the most important topics in retail. While brands are finding more eco-friendly alternatives and creating various sustainable initiatives, it seems that it is not enough. Unfortunately,?less than 20% of retailers?are on track to meet their ?? sustainability targets. The survey of 37 big global retailers also found that fewer than 20% would reduce emissions by enough to meet targets for limiting the rise in global temperature to 1.5 degrees as set by the Paris Agreement.?

A breath of fresh air.?Since we are talking about emissions,?Walmart marks a milestone in carbon reduction effort. The retailer is making significant progress in its initiative to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions ?? from supply chain partners.?

Happy cow, better milk??This just in:?Waitrose pledges more time outside and free will for dairy cows. Yes, the cows ?? are now going to be happier thus producing more and better milk or so they say. Either way, they are pleasing the conscious shoppers who are constantly looking for eco-friendly and bio products.?

Campaign scoop?

It’s a celebration!?Tito’s celebrates 25th Anniversary???and does it in style. With a new bottle and an AR experience, Tito’s aims to attract the attention of the younger demographic. This is not the first time Tito’s took the spotlight. Back in 2020, when the Pandemic shut down any live performance, Tito’s organized a series of digital concerts.?

?“Save a Tree, Pee in a Busch!”?Nope, it is not an April Fools Day campaign. Busch Light decided to implement a unique campaign for Earth Day. Apparently, relieving yourself in the great outdoors can harm the trees ?? and make them more susceptible to pests and diseases. That’s when Busch Light comes to save the day. The brand introduced a limited-edition Pee in a Busch funnel kit. Funny and eco-friendly. Nice!


