Last week we presented new Shopper Insights on the emerging trends in Soft Drinks at the Zenith Global Soft Drinks Conference?
- Shoppers recognise that Soft Drinks are not “Healthy” and are looking for a great tasting Heathy Soft Drink which offers other benefits…but they are difficult to find!
- Shoppers are confused by product claims (e.g Sugar, Sweeteners, Added Vitamins and “Special Ingredients”).
- New products like CBD and Kombucha are attracting interest but a lot of Shoppers don't fully understand the benefits - or where to find them in store
- And the retail environment doesn’t help resolve their confusion.
Opportunities to Grow the category?
- Retailers and manufacturers/brands need to work together to create a more inspiring Shopper experience that helps them choose the product that they really love and delights their taste buds!?
This Study reveals what drives Shoppers think about the new emerging Soft drinks (Healthy, Functional and Indulgent) what stands out in store, what they would buy and why.
- Pre-store attitudes - 1,000 Shoppers told us what they looking for?
- In store Shopper experience - 125 Shoppers reported on their experience in Waitrose, Sainsbury's Tesco Asda and Morrisons.??
Shopper Behaviour in store
- Shoppers choose a wide variety of Non Traditional Soft Drinks in the Multiples. Brands like "Trip' captured Shopper attention at the fixture offering clear benefits. Here are some examples VIDEO LINK
- Shoppers are looking for help in finding new products and understanding what makes them more Healthy to compared to traditional Soft Drinks.
- Across all the Multiples, better Signage, On Shelf information and packaging is a base requirement. And a specific "Healthy Drinks Section" in store would drive category growth. Shopper recommendations VIDEO LINK?
- ?Brands and Retailers must work together to make it easy for Shoppers to buy into these exciting new categories emerging under the banner of "Healthy Soft Drinks"?
If you would like to dig deep into the feedback from 125 Shoppers in store and access to the Field Agent dashboard please email [email protected].
And we can also send you a report of the Full Study?
Or if you would like to discuss the findings in person please? Book a meeting.