Shoppable Videos aren't just for Shopping
Degpeg Shoppable Videos

Shoppable Videos aren't just for Shopping

What comes to your mind when you hear the words “shoppable videos”?

  • Videos that allow you to shop
  • Videos that make shopping easy
  • Videos that give you a gist of nearby shops
  • Videos that you can use to shop items

If any or most of the above are what popped up in your mind, your understanding of shoppable videos is slightly off-track.

But, you are not alone!

Going by the term, many feel that shoppable videos have the limited capacity to enhance the shopping experience alone. Since this is definitely not true, we - at Degpeg - are here to bust this myth for you. Read on to dive deep into the meaning and importance of shoppable videos.

What are shoppable videos?

Simply put, shoppable videos are a form of advertising your product or service on your app or website using the video form of advertisement. They are a video format wherein you can upload a video of your offering, just like you upload static images, and display your USPs and 360 degree view of your product or service, with any desired messaging, of course!

These are intended to be more direct, crisp, and effective than the regular stock images or carousels that you ordinarily see on websites and apps. This is proven because videos have the power of storytelling that is way higher than other ad formats like photographs or texts. Seeing videos helps the audiences register about 90% of the communication. This helps in better brand recall, better conversions and increased brand loyalty.

Shoppable Videos - Not only for shopping

Why shoppable videos?

As mentioned above, shoppable videos give you the flexibility to demonstrate your product or offering, its importance, usage etc in a manner that is more interesting, efficient and effective than the ordinary one.?

These videos let your potential customers place an order instantly as they come with an instant Call to Action (CTA) button, letting customers connect or order seamlessly. They also help in conveying your message in a way that your customers understand or want to be presented in.

Who can use these?

Any business or brand that intends to increase their sales and reduce their operational and customer acquisition costs can use the shoppable video format.

Though e-commerce has seen maximum benefits of using this advertising format, it is rather not limited or restricted to e-commerce alone. Any and every business can reap the benefits of this format, nonetheless.

Be it the automobile sector or the banking sector, pharma or the real estate sector, every industry can integrate this format on their existing website or app and can give a wholesome product or service viewing experience to their respective target audience. It's a visual treat for the audience and helps better the conversation ratio.

Hence, shoppable videos aren't just for shopping. They're for everyone who wants to explore the new forms of sales and conversions.

Sounds interesting? Get in touch with our folks at Degpeg to know more about our shoppable videos and to understand how you, your team or your brand/business can benefit the maximum from them.

Let’s connect!

Sounds interesting? Want to know more? Reach out to us or comment below to request a free demo of our innovative short shoppable video format.

#marketing #advertisement #video #shopping #ecommerce #fashion #sports #business

Get in touch with us today to request a free demo of our product.




