Jakarta (20/6) - PT Shopee International Indonesia and PT Nusantara Express Kilat filed a request for change of behaviour in Case Number 04/KPPU-I/2024 concerning Alleged Violation of Article 19 letter d and Article 25 paragraph (1) letter a of Law Number 04/KPPU-I/2024 related to Delivery Services (Courier) on the Shopee Platform in the Panel Session today Thursday, 20 June 2024 at the KPPU Office in Jakarta, 2024. The hearing was chaired by the Chairman of the Commission Panel Aru Armando, with Members Gopprera Panggabean and Budi Joyo Santoso, and attended by the Respondents, PT Shopee International Indonesia (Reported Party I) and PT Nusantara Ekspres Kilat (Reported Party II) and their attorneys.
In the previous hearing, the Reported Parties submitted responses to the Alleged Violation Report (LDP) in writing and submitted a request for a change of behavior. In today's hearing, the Commission Panel approved the request for a change of behavior. For this reason, the hearing continued with the reading of the points of the Integrity Pact for Change of Behaviour as well as the terms and obligations of the change of behavior for each of the Reported Parties. The points in the Pact in principle contain that each of the Reported Parties accepts the Alleged Violation Report (LDP) submitted by the Investigator admits the acts as described in the LDP and applies for an opportunity to Change Behaviour to the Commission Panel of the case a quo with conditions and obligations.
The Commission Panel also conveyed that if in the future evidence is found of the same violation by the Parties, the Commission is authorized to handle such violations, "If after the supervision period, the same violations are found, ?the case will be processed as usual," said Chairman of the Commission Panel.
The Commission Panel will continue the next hearing with the agenda of the Submission of The Reported Party's response to the Integrity Pact on 25 June 2024.