Shooting a pistol and hitting at 200 yards?
Wanna get better at anything?
Two weeks ago, while performing a noise demonstration at JTAC Ranch, I shot through a number of calibers of weapons including .50BMG, 338 Lapua, .308, 5.56mm, and .40 cal pistol while sound levels were being recorded. I was challenged by my good friend Blaze to shoot a steel target at 200 yards with my Glock 35. I shot, and a moment later we all heard the satisfying "ping" of the bullet striking the 16" tall by 12" wide steel target. Was it an accident? Well, I regularly shoot out past 100 yards, so maybe I got lucky, and maybe I just hit what I was shooting at. The point is, when it counted, I performed at a high level.
I am often asked, while teaching a shooting class, about Shooting performance and how to make the greatest gains in the shortest amount of time. Most of the time I simplify my answer and talk about pre-loading oxygen and breath control during shooting. What I have found is that the same techniques that help me shoot at a high level, also help me perform better in life. Whether making a stressful phone call, to mentoring a younger person, to entering a test situation, I find value in the application of EVENPULSE methodologies.
My good friend and mentor Steve Robinson has packaged these performance enhancement techniques in EVENPULSE. After studying SOF Operators from the Vietnam era to the soldiers returning from the modern day GWOT, his work in EVENPULSE brings these lessons to life and make them available to the person who has an interest in better performance.
EVENPULSE was awarded the opportunity to train 6,000 deploying U.S. Army combat soldiers, going into and returning from the harshest environments.
EVENPULSE's methodology is proven to reduce soldier stress, increase internal awareness, and provide relevant, easy-to-learn skills in autonomic self-regulation.
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