Shooting for the Moon – sometimes its more about the Journey
Carolyn Trafford FdA, PgC
Empowering Creativity | Inspiring Change | Championing Not-for-Profit Success | Creative Coach, Artist, & Consultant
I have always been a huge advocate of setting goals. Goals that closely reflect exactly what you want to achieve, really help to create focus and direction. I would never suggest walking a mountain, without knowing where you wanted to finish and without taking a map and compass to guide you. Setting goals is a similar process.
However sometimes when climbing a mountain, the walk is the best part. Mountain summits can be covered in cloud with no views. But the walk can take you through beautiful countryside with stunning views and picturesque waterfalls. Sometimes flooded paths, erosion, a change in the weather or simply getting lost can create detours taking you to surprising places.
And so what? Is your goal so important that it has to be achieved regardless? Then your detour is a minor inconvenience that fuels your determination to succeed or try again, whilst providing valuable learning. However if it’s not then your change of journey has provided you new experiences; learning that you’d not considered possible and you’ve ended up somewhere you hadn’t anticipated, but very possible exactly where you are meant to be.
So don’t dwell on what might have been, focus on the here and now. Ground yourself for a moment, look around you and take in the possibilities of where you are right now.
So working to goals doesn’t always have to get you to a single point in the distance, sometimes it’s about the journey and sometimes it’s about where you finish.
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