Shooting Laws in the UK: What's Next?
Firearms UK
Firearms UK is an Association campaigning for the protection of firearms ownership within the UK
In 2014 Firearms UK led calls for reforming our gun laws to again allow .22 Rimfire pistols to be owned under the terms of Section 1 certificates. We headlined the campaign "Unity" calling for a united front and support from all shooters and organisations.
Many organisations did support the initiative as did many forward thinking individual shooters, unfortunately too many did not because they were not interested or they believed it didn't directly affect them.
We have also pointed out that we are halfway down a slippery slope to almost complete prohibition, a process started many years ago and still on going. We have sometimes been accused of scaremongering by pointing out that sacrificing other disciplines or interests will not stop those with an anti gun agenda, it only weakens us. Again we should be united and protecting each other.
In 2016 we will be facing a threat that will impact almost every type of shooter in the UK and Europe.
The EU/EC proposals will impact : target shooters, practical shooters, collectors, airsofters, re-enactors, pest controllers and game shooters.
Will 2016 be the year shooters unite and stand firm in the protection of all our rights? Or will the same mistakes continue to be made?
We have not exaggerated when we say that we must fight for our rights and we simply cannot bury our heads in the sand anymore, we are not criminals and should not be punished for the actions of them.
No comments in all ths time, just confirms what you have been saying. Posting on this site is of no use. You need to amalgamate all the shooting Associations and publish these facts, only then will the establishment pay any attention. The British shooting public will only carry on as they are as to change would too much trouble. That is how the gun controle people know they can win, they unlike shooters are not divided.