Shoot # 45
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Lund, February 21, 2016
Click on any picture to enlarge and get all info and prices of various editions.
Dear friends
Welcome to shoot # 45
Yes, this is a photograph – Abstract # 9D, 2015 – and it’s a digital gift from Oberg Photographics – a moment of meditation with which I wish you a good Sunday and ‘weekbegin’.
A special welcome to new subscribers and friends on social media. Here is the preceding shoot and In Memoriam for my friend and mentor Viggo Rivad.
It’s a Photolution…
“No other art form is going through so big and fast changes as is photography. We are witnesses to a photographic revolution, a “photolution”.
In this article I give you an overview of its elements, compare with other art trends and outline what this super-dynamic development might mean for the future.
Special collection
This new “Special Collection” has been created with connoisseurs, galleries and collectors in mind. Please enjoy!
Recent editions
Have a look here! Perhaps you need an art piece on your wall, or as a gift?
Will wing into your mailbox 2 times a month from now on.
Welcome to my studio
Always open for you. We just need to make an appointment first (see below).
A good ‘weekbegin’ to you! And remember that the arts help keep us human…
My best
Jan Oberg