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Shohan Kulasuriya
Driving Innovation, Empowering Impact | World Summit Award Winner | We Are Together International Prize Finalist | ASOCIO Winner | Founder-Deegenics, ManKiww, Tellit & Get Connectz | Entrepreneur | Speaker
During the past and even present we see day to day general public issues are been neglected or has failed to get the attention of the respective authorities. Does these authorities move around their respective area's and list out all the issues or citizens request and come back again and fix them.
Most of the time, it never happened. I believe it is our responsibility to inform them and get it fixed. Is the current method of communication to report these is convenient to you? If I ask you, 99% would say it's a hassle so we ignored these and waited until they do it as we were frustrated.
Later we all found a new way of communicating general public issues, which is convenient for us. Citizens decided to make a status on social media platforms on these issues, with captions such as "to the attention of the authorities", "please share until the authorities see" or blast them with various comments. Yeah it's acceptable. But what happened, did the authorities get the attention as soon as you posted or after few shares or maybe not, isn't it.
So taking into all these aspects and with many personal experience faced with all these authorities,???????????????? comes to life. seriously
???????????????? is a mobile app to report citizens issues, emergency or request help from authorities. This app is common to SL and is available for citizens to report anything, anywhere at anytime.
This has the capacity of providing citizens concerns or any other matter to the respective authorities on real time and reflecting them on a dashboard for them to take action or assign a task. For example we can connect from The president, all Ministries, Government departments, Local authorities, Divisional secretaries and down the line to the 14,000+ Grama Niladharis or beyond that in our country to listen to your voice.
We can connect the Police, Emergency Services, Defense, Health, Local Governments, Disaster Management, Divisional secretariats, RDA, , CEB, Water Board, Telco providers, Public transport, Consumer affairs and many more authorities across the country to this single platform.
There's many advantages where Citizens and the Authorities can enjoy while introducing this solution in Sri Lanka
At present we are working in few Local authorities in Gampaha, Kotte, Kuliyapitiya, Attanagalla & Biyagama area's for the citizens to report general day to day issues such as garbage dumping, blown street lights, broken roads, dengue hot spots, blocked canals and many more.
Further taking into consideration of the current epidemic situation we provided the facility of reporting issues related to COVID-19 & other general health issues, so that citizens can connect with the doctors & other authorities while staying home.
The Health issue reporting service is currently active in Gampaha, Kuliyapitiya & Sooriyawewa area's and looking forward to connect more.
ManKiwwa, Sri Lanka’s only self-help citizen led governing app has been recognized and bagged several National awards for innovation and social impact at Sri Lanka’s top ICT awards.
Looking forward to connect these authorities and provide this facility across the country to help you & our country.