The Shofar’s Blast and Satan’s Crash


The Talmud(1) states:


??? ?????? ??????? ???? ??????, ??????? ??????? ???? ??????? ??? ????? ????.

Why (do the Jews) blow the shofar while sitting and (again) blow it standing?

In order to confuse Satan.

The imagery invoked here is that of Satan in his role as prosecutor in the heavenly court. He is tasked with detailing the sins of mankind in order to bring G-d’s wrath upon them.


[Note: the usual words for confusion are ?????? or ?????. But notice how frequently the unusual term ?????? is used in the references associated with Satan cited in this article; more on this below.]


Three questions on this citation:

1. What is so confusing about the shofar blowing?

2. If it is so tough on Satan, why doesn’t he just take a coffee break from prosecuting before continuing? By the time the court reconvenes, the offensive blasts would be long finished!

3. What is the connection between the sitting and standing and Satan’s internal turmoil? 


First, we must understand the significance of the ram’s horn as the means used to confound Satan in the first place. Our Sages(2) explain as follows:


??? ????? ???? ???: ???? ???? ????? ?? ???, ??? ?????? ??? ????? ????.

The Holy One, Blessed be He stated: Blow the horn of a ram before me, that I might recall

the Binding of Isaac.


Thus, the reason for choosing the shofar of a ram is to “remind” Hashem of ????? ????, a factor in the eventual atonement for our sins.


What exactly happened at ????? ?????


In  ?????? ??we find Avraham preparing to sacrifice his son Yitzchak. Suddenly an angel stopped him, and Avraham noticed a ram caught in the bushes, which was then substituted for Isaac. But Rashi(3) adds a few details not found expressly in the text:


?????? - ???? ?? ??? ????? ????? ?????  ??????? ??????? ??? ?????.

“(Caught by) it’s horns”: for (the ram) had been running towards Abraham, and Satan

entangled and confused it in the brush in order to hold it back.


Here we have Satan attempting to “confuse and confound” the ram from accomplishing its mission of offering itself as a sacrifice in Isaac’s stead. Satan’s strategy apparently includes attempting to entrap and confuse do-gooders, in an attempt to halt their mission.


Rashi’s source is the following Pirkei D’Rebbe Eliezer(4), but notice the continuation of the story omitted in Rashi’s account:


?' ????? ????, ???? ???? ?????? ??? ?????? ??? ??? ?????? ??? ???? ???? ???? ????

??????? ??? ???? ????? ?? ????? ?????; ????? ???? ??????? ??? ???????. ????? ???? ?????

?? ????? ???? ???? ??? ??? ???? ???? ??????. ?? ??? ???? ????? ??? ?? ??? ???? ?????

?? ?????.

Rabbi Zechariah says, this ram was created during the twilight hour (on the eve of the first

Sabbath), and it was approaching (Abraham) as a substitute for Isaac. Samael (Satan) then

stood and distracted (the ram) in order to inhibit its plans, and it was then caught by its

horns in the brush, as is stated, “and Abraham lifted his eyes and behold he saw a ram

caught behind the thistles by its Horns.” What did the ram do? It extended its hoof and

grabbed onto Abraham’s garment.


A particularly resolute ram indeed… even from its helpless entrapment in the thistles, it manages to reach out to Avraham signal its existence. The animal literally extended itself, albeit ever so slightly, going beyond the call of duty to insure the success of its mission to save Isaac.


Thus, we see Satan attempting to block and distract the ram from its mission of offering itself as a sacrifice, but ironically, it is not the ram that is confounded by Satan, but on the contrary, the Adversary himself who is stymied by no more than a hapless sheep’s paw-extension.


In the following Zohar(5), we find  ???"? ?????? turning the tables and using a very similar tactic against Satan himself; where Hashem’s instrument of “distraction” is the shofar, blown on Rosh Hashana:


(???) ??? ?? ???? ???? ???? ????? ?????, ???? ??????? ????? ???? ???, ?? ????? ?? ??

???? ????? ???; ??? ????? ?? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ?? ????? ???? ???. ?????, ????

??????? ?? ??? ????? ?? ??? ????? ?????? ?? ???? ?????, ??? ??????. ??? ????

????? ?????? ????? ????? ?? ?? ??? ???? ?? ????? ?????. ?? ??? ????? ???? ???

?????? ???, ?? ?????? ?? ?? ???? ?? ???? ??? ?????? ???? ???? ???? ?? ????.

????? ?????.

This is comparable to a person who became angered and… prepares himself to kill

someone. A wise man stood in the way and stalled him. The (would-be murderer)

turned to the wise man and said, “had you not stalled me, I would have murdered

a person”… thus does Hashem say, to Israel, “my sons, fear not, for I shall stand

in the threshold (to thwart the Accuser). However, hasten on this day and give

me power; with what? With the shofar.


G-d is offering to thwart the destructive designs of Satan, using the latter’s own MO. But Hashem’s trump card is the shofar, a reminder to the Accuser of his own impotence in the face of the self-sacrifice of the primordial ram.


But what is it about the seated and standing shofar blasts that throw Satan for a loop? Maharal(6) has a very simple explanation:


??? ????? ???? ??????? ????? ??? ????? ?? ????. 

                      The very (simple) effort to stand for the second shofar blasts confuses Satan.


A deceptively simple explanation. The slight effort it takes to stand up for a few minutes causes Satan such confusion? Apparently, any extra effort that’s ??? ???? throws Satan into a state of bewilderment from which he can’t always recover – just as the ram’s stretching its hoof to alert Avraham of its existence saved Yitzchak’s life.


We tend to think of Satan as a sophisticated charlatan, armed with a bag full of tried and tested tricks nearly impossible for mere mortals to overcome. But truth be told, Satan has but one solitary destructive tactic, albeit with numerous variations: ????? illusion/confusion, another example of which is demonstrated in the following Midrash(7) about Avraham on the way to the Akeida.


?"? (??? ?????? ?????): ???, ?? ?? ????? ????? ?? ???"? ?? ?? ??? ???? ????? ??? ????? ??

???? ?? ???? ???… ???? ???? ??? ???? (????? ????) ???? (???????) ??? ????? ?????? ???

???? ???? ????? ?? ??? ???? ???? ???? ?? ????? ????? ??? ??? ????? ????? ????? ???

????? ???"? ????? ??? ??? ?? ???; ?? ??? ?? ???? ??? ???? ?? ????? ?????, ?? ?? ??????

???? ??? ??? ???"? ?? ????? ???? ???? ????? ?????.

(Satan said to Avraham on the way to the Akeida): Old man, was I not there when G-d told you, “take thy son” - will an old man like you go and destroy a son given to him in his hundredth year?! When Satan saw that (Avraham and his son) did not heed him, (Satan) transformed himself into a great river. When (Avraham) had traversed half the river, the water was up to his neck. At that moment Avraham raised his eyes to Heaven and said, “Master of the Universe… now the water is threatening my life! If Isaac or I drown, who will fulfill Your word; who will unify Your Name”? Immediately, Hashem blocked the spring, and the river dried up, and they stood on dry land.


Again in the following source (8) depicting how the tragedy of the sin of the Golden Calf came about, Rashi again makes reference to the MO of Satan, ??????.


????? ??? ??? (????), ??? ???: ???? ?????? ??? ??? ?? ???? ?? ????, ?? ?????? ?????

??? ???? ?? ?? ????? ???, ???? ??? ??? ?????? ??? ??????, ??? ????? ???, ???? ?????? ???

???? ???, ???? ????? ????? ???, ???? ??? ?????? ????? ??? ????? ???, ???? ??? ??

??? ?????? ?? ?????, ????? ???? ??? ??????, ???? ??? ????? ????????, ????: ????

?? ???, ???? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??.

When Moshe ascended (to Sinai), he told (Israel): at the end of forty days I shall arrive

by the sixth hour. They believed that that very day was part of the count, whilst (Moshe)

had intended (the count) to include forty full days (starting on the morrow)… (the

fortieth day according to Moshe’s reckoning was therefore) the seventeenth of Tammuz.

On the sixteenth, Satan came and brought chaos to the world, projecting an illusion of

darkness and obscurity, of dark clouds, fog and confusion, as if to say: of certainty

Moshe is dead, for the sixth hour is upon us and he has not come.


But the Demon’s belief in the weakness of spirit of his victims, of their utter susceptibility to confusion and loss of purpose, is in reality nothing but a projection of Satan’s own feebleness. Satan again and again tries the same confusion and obfuscation tactics, but when given a taste of his own medicine he verily collapses. A few toots of a shofar horn and he utterly loses his bearings.


Furthermore, not only does Satan disappear like a shrinking violet at the first sign of resistance, but Israel’s Ally lends a hand as well(9). 


???? ????"? ???? ????? ?? ??? ???, ???? ??? ????... ????? ?????? ?????? ???? ???????,

???"? ???? ???? ??? ????? ?? ??? ?????... ????? ????? ????? ??? ??? ???? ???? ?????.

When Hashem ascends to sit on the Seat of Judgment, he ascends with judicial (strictness)…

but when Israel take the shofar and blow it, the Holy One Blessed be He arises from the

Seat of Judgment and sits on the Seat of Mercy… and shows mercy to them,

transforming judgment into mercy.


Thus, Hashem actually follows Israel’s lead; when we get up from our comfortable seats to hear the shofar, Hashem ?????? rises from His Seat of Judgment as well, and moves to the Seat of Mercy. Satan, instead of facing the anticipated judgmental ear, now must make his case in front of Israel’s loving and protective Father, quite uninterested in the Accuser’s rantings. But this only after Israel takes the first step and blows the shofar.


This is a sound explanation of Satan’s confusion, but still in all, Satan remains tasked with prosecuting on the Day of Judgment, and it is this task that we directly undermine by our shofar blowing. What is it about the ram’s horn blasts specifically that leads to the downfall of the Old Serpent’s well-rehearsed accusations?


The following beautiful Rambam(10) tells us of a subtle hint contained in the sudden sounding of the shofar:


??"? ?????? ???? ???? ???? ????? ????? ??? ?? ?? ????? ???? ?????? ?????? ...

????? ??????? ????? ?????? ????? ??????.

Although the shofar blowing on Rosh Hashana is a Biblical decree, it contains

the following hint: awaken O you slumberers from your sleep! …search your

deeds, repent, and recall your Creator…


That is, the shofar is the quintessential alarm clock, meant to waken us spiritually at the eleventh hour, before it’s too late. Because it ain’t over till it’s over, as Rebbe poignantly reminds us(11):


??? ??? ????: ?? ???? ????? ???? ???.

Rebbi cried out and said: a person can acquire the World to Come in the span of a single



Indeed, if a person responds correctly to the shofar blasts, he is literally a new person at the end of those five minutes(12).


??? ??? ????: ????? ?????  ??????? ????? ?? ??????

Resh Lakish says: great is repentance, for even malicious sins are transformed into merits!


If so, the Satan’s entire PowerPoint presentation of Israel’s misdeeds disappears without any backup… on the contrary, every accusation has been transformed into a merit! No wonder why poor Satan’s so confused - an entire year’s work is lost beyond recovery… ironically in the span of that very same moment.


We think of Satan as if he were some sort of a Loch Ness monster ready to chew us up and spit us out when he’s done. But in truth, he’s hardly a match even for the Cookie Monster. The good news for us is that we know all his tricks, and we therefore are potrntially immune to his ubiquitous obfuscation tactics. Indeed, even a hapless sheep has enough fortitude to defeat him with aught but an outstretched hoof.


Furthermore, Satan believes in dividing and conquering, in this case by diverting Avraham’s attention from the ram, which itself was acting as a duty-bound ??? (guarantor) for, and united with, Yitzchak. Hence, there is no more appropriate term for Satan’s confusion –measure for measure– than ?????.


What’s asked of us in our own lives is nothing approaching the sacrifice of that ram, let alone that of Avraham or Yitzchak. All that Hashem wants of us is that we take a stand, and determine to sacrifice, once and for all, our own superfluous misdeeds. And just as the innocent ram acquired life eternal through its indefatigability(13), so will we merit redemption through our emulating its determination and blowing the ram’s horn, as the Midrash(14) reminds us:


???? ????? ?? ????? ???? ???? ??? ???. ??? ???... ?"? ????? ?"? ????, ?? ???? ????

????? ?????? ??????? ???????? ?????. ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???? ??????? ?? ???????

???? ???"?, ???? ???? ??? - ????? ????? ????? ?? ???.

And Avraham lifted his eyes and behold, he saw a ram ‘achar’ - What is ‘achar’?

R. Chanania b. Yitzchak says, all year long the Israelites are caught up in sin, and

are entrapped in adversity, but on Rosh Hashana they take the shofar and blow

it. Hashem then recalls them and forgives their sins. So too their ultimate

Redemption will come about through the horn of the ram.


May we be at least as resolute about our New Year’s resolutions as the ram of yore, and thus merit this promised redemption –from iniquity and from oppression- this very Rosh Hashana. All that’s asked of us is not to hit the snooze button when the shofar alarm goes off.





1. ?"? ??, ?.

2. ??, ??.

3. ??"? ?????? ??:?? ?"? ??????.

4. ???? ???? ??????, ??? ? ?"? ??? ?????? ????.

5. ???? ?:??,?.

6. ???"? ????? ????? ????? ??,?.

7. ?????? (????) ?' ???? ?? ?"? ????? ????.

8. ??"? ??? ??. ?"? ?? ????.

9. ????? ?????? ?' ????? ????:?? ?"? ????? ??????.

10. ???"? ????? ?:?.

11. ?"? ?, ?.

12. ???? ??,?.

                                               13. ???? ???? ?????? ??? ??: ?????? ??????? ??? ????? ????????? ????? ??????????.

14. ?????? ??? ?' ??.

Biblical Hebrew Etymology ?????? ??? ?????

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Yehoshua Steinberg

Complacency is tantamount to complicity;

Serenity is prerequisite to accomplishment.


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