Shoes Make The Horse

Shoes Make The Horse

With our temps dropping, it definitely turned into a biting-cold day with that unforgiving north wind keeping us from being outdoors any longer than necessary. Yes, I'd say today was the first taste of our coming winter months, so from here on out, I'll be dressing even more appropriately.

Shortly after I arrived at office, I received a message from my dear friend regarding that City Council meeting which took place last night, that basically confirmed what she'd told me yesterday, so I picked up my phone and gave her a call, just to share a few more insights on what's taking place. I thought it quite strange that the few business owners I spoke to about it today, had absolutely no idea they were planning on building another apartment house on the fringe of our downtown. One of them did mention something which I was fully aware of for quite sometime, regarding that particular neighborhood. We both fully understood the real reason why they're wanting to add underground parking in that build-out.

I did go to my computer and watch the online feed of last night's council meeting, and all I can say at this moment is, “No comment.” But going forward, I would encourage all of you to go on our city's website and find where they post those links and start watching them on a regular basis, just so you're up to speed on what's going on with the administration of our city, and especially when knowing we're the ones paying their salaries.

There were a number of errands I had to run, and one of them was to check out the prices of some paint I was needing to purchase, and was definitely brought up to speed on the differences, and thank goodness I decided to shop around because I ended up getting a very good buy at Diamond Vogel. Now see, it's best to always be aware of competitive pricing.

While waiting at a service center, an older gentlemen struck up a conversation with me, so I figured while waiting, I just as well have a little chat. I thought it funny when he suddenly started commenting on what I was wearing, but even more so the great compliment he offered up on the shoes I had on, which prompted me to say, “Well don't ya know, the shoes make the horse.” I couldn't believe he'd never heard that expression before, and when the owner of the business came forward, I turned and asked him if he'd ever heard that saying, and thank goodness he did. Wow! I was beginning to wonder what sort of sheltered life that guy must've been living all these years. I also received a sideways compliment from the owner when he told that old gent that he's known me for many years, and has always appreciated my to-the-point opinions. With a little smile I then added, “Well, for that reason, they either love me or hate me for it.” Yes, sometimes my teasing does get a little out of hand, but I have to remind some that my teasing, is at least a message that I at least like them, because if I didn't, I wouldn't even bother engaging in conversation.

With about an hour or so to kill, I went over to the church I'm to play a funeral later this week, just so I'd be familiar with their organ, and by the time I called it quits, I felt comfortable enough to play it for those who'll be in attendance. Before leaving, I did seat myself in one of their pews and spent a few moments in quiet reflection. I know it may sound terrible, but I actually get more out of an empty church than I do a full one.? There's another funeral I should attend, but I'm really not in the mood for another repeat of what I had to endure the last time I was at a funeral in that church.

I'd say the highlight of my day, was a long conversation with a salesperson who lives in one of our surrounding towns, and after sharing his likes and dislikes of 'town living', I soon discovered we have much in common, and especially in regards to those silly ordinances cities and towns create, just to make the lives of people all the more difficult. Before he left, he made sure I had his name and phone number should there be an acreage coming on the market in his general location, because he and his family, are definitely ready to say 'goodbye' to hypocritical and overly nosey neighbors.

Tonight's One-liner is: The reward of one duty, is the power to fulfill another.

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