The SHOCKING Truth About How I Lost Millions and The EXACT Steps I Took To Recover FAST... and How You Can Model It FOR Your Business Too! (Part 3)
Anthony Simonie
?? CGO (Chief Giving Officer) Investor / Capital Raiser | Loving Dad & Adoption Advocate ??Unique Process?? Attracts, Wins and Retains The "RIGHT" Clients, Increasing Referrals Consistently & Predictably ?? See Below ??
Thank you for reading Part One and Two... if you didn't click here for Part One and Click here for Part 2 to read them.
And again I appreciate all of you that reached out via message!
Now, let me ask you a simple and IMPORTANT question…
Have you ever stayed awake at night and thought about why some people experience success after success, while others continue to fail over and over again?
I used to think about that A LOT and what I figured out is this…
Those who are willing to take big risks are usually the ones who “Make It.”
“Making it” means something different from one person to another, but it’s the point that we all desire to reach most…
Where our lives feel most fulfilled and the typical stress and overwhelm vanish, like the good weather here in the good old Midwest. Lol :)
This is the ultimate point where we are enjoying life to the fullest.
And we ONLY reach this point by taking advantage of what I call definitive moments.
A definitive moment is one that only comes along a few times in your life and if taken action on, can make a radical change in your life for the better.
I believe that what I’ll share with you today is one of these rare moments.
Now back to taking risks…
I took a big risk to partner with someone I thought would never ‘screw me’.
At first, I thought we were TOAST!
And then the true entrepreneur in me REARED it’s powerful head again.
I felt unstoppable and a series of HUGE RISKS allowed me to come back MORE POWERFUL and MORE PROFITABLE than ever…
Which brings me back to Part 2 of this story when my friend Kent and I were engaged in a conversation that would massively change our direction in business and our lives moving forward.
Here is what happened during that conversation…
We mapped out a MASSIVE OPPORTUNITY that had been sitting right under my nose, but overlooked because I had been so consumed with fear and worry.
We came up with an offer that using only LinkedIn and related strategy, brought in more money COLLECTED in ONE MONTH, than I generated in the entire previous year!
On top of this, there was a RESIDUAL and equity component that was set to bring in another six-figures.
All of this was accomplished in LESS THAN 30 DAYS!
And guess what?
The following 30 days, WE DID THE SAME THING… AGAIN!
And it’s IMPORTANT to note that this offer was:
(Not that there is anything wrong with that IF they are bringing results :))
It's MUCH more simple than you think, which you'll find out shortly.
Let’s move on… to a very brief side story that I have to share with you…
I’ll never forget the day that I received the first $10k of that first BIG REVENUE month above.
I walked into my master bathroom where my wife Jill was, and I told her that I had just generated $10k and that our struggles were over!
We hugged and cried like babies.
Tears of relief, and happiness!
This was a very important lesson for me AND FOR YOU, because it proves that instead of letting our survival instincts keep us from DECIDING to live our best lives now, living to our highest and fullest potential and purpose…
If we always do the same thing we’ve always done and are not getting the results we want, WE MUST SAY YES TO CHANGE.
We must become comfortable placing ourselves into uncomfortable opportunities.
I could have said no to Kent because it was a new and unproven offer, and I was admittedly a little scared and uncomfortable… BUT I said YES immediately on the spot.
There was NO thinking about it, or deliberating because if you give yourself time to think, you’ll get busy and your survival instincts that bring resistance against the change you need to get what you want, will win EVERY TIME.
And you’ll be back to your everyday life as usual, which is not really the spot that any of us want to be in, when we know that we are falling short of our absolute best.
It will change your life in ways you can’t even imagine yet.
I know!
Remember… I’ve been there, done that and got the t-shirt! :)
Let me give you an example:
After Kent and I got to know each other more closely, he called me one day and asked me if I would be interested in becoming a full partner in another new business.
It was going to be a lot of work to get it rolling and there was no guarantee that it would work, but if it did, we would change hundreds of thousands of people’s lives…
And THAT was speaking my language.
Before my survival brain could even begin to try and screw things up, I said YES, even before we discussed it fully.
He even tried to make me think about it longer and talk to my wife Jill before I committed, but I told him that it was not necessary and that I was 100% in!
You see…
My wife Jill is AMAZING and knows that I will do anything and everything it takes to provide for her and our kids.
She had already moved back and forth across the country twice for me to chase my dreams AND supported me leaving my fancy six-figure corporate job for entrepreneurship.
She does it because she loves me and wants me to be happy.
She also knows that to get anywhere in life, you must BE WILLING TO DO THE THINGS THAT MOST PEOPLE WON’T DO.
Doing uncomfortable things in order to create comfort later.
In other words, GETTING COMFORTABLE BEING UNCOMFORTABLE by doing the uncomfortable things EVERY DAY!
On top of that, Jill is the type of person that loves helping people (just like my Nana) and has personally witnessed the positive impact I’ve made on people’s lives through my businesses.
She supports me 1000%.
She is what I call my “Ride or Die Chick!”
So, I said YES to this new business venture and we quickly got to work putting together a world class team and the BEST BUSINESS PROGRAMS AVAILABLE ANYWHERE.
The brand name was to be High End Client.
We are changing lives in MASSIVE ways, with hundreds of people seeing FAST, incredible changes in their lives and businesses.
When I say our programs are the best programs available to consistently and predictably generate leads and clients like clockwork, it’s because we’ve personally been in a lot of the other programs and purchased the rest.
Plus, we have clients that come to us all the time from other programs, who are not seeing the results they’d hoped for in their current programs.
They are tired of riding the train to nowhere and realize time is ticking and it’s better to look back on life with ZERO REGRETS.
After all, it’s not the chances people take that they regret at the end of their life, it’s the chances they didn’t take.
Our programs are designed to get fast results (days or weeks fast) for our clients and the people they serve.
Whether you call your people customers, clients or patients, we have people like you in our program reaching levels in their businesses that they had only dreamed about prior to connecting with us.
We are currently experiencing MASSIVE growth due to the results our clients are getting.
Here is just one of many videos illustrating the results we documented from 165 PLUS (and growing) testimonials and reviews…
We will change thousands of lives through our programs…
And this is the reason why I believe that my business getting stolen from me was the best thing that has happened to me, because it forced me into new growth and new opportunity in all areas of my life.
It made me better in business, but MORE IMPORTANTLY, it made me a better husband, father, brother, best friend and business partner.
It was a blessing and regardless of the fact that a lot of people would call it a bad blessing, I see it as just a blessing.
Something that had to happen for me to grow, to be put on a NEW path leading to bigger and better things.
Everything and I mean EVERYTHING in my life has happened for a reason and I would not change any of it.
You must look forward and not backward.
Grow from your experiences.
Be open to and say YES to new opportunity.
Push back and overcome your natural human survival instinct and the resistance it brings, that causes you to put off until tomorrow, what you MUST TAKE ACTION ON TODAY.
Your life will change in incredible ways and THAT IS A FACT!
How long have you been waiting to be happy?
To have the right job?
To have the right partner?
The right diet?
To start a new business?
To grow your business?
To get unstuck?
You need to become powerful by starting to take action TODAY and EVERY DAY, even the smallest of actions.
Much like you making the decision to read this entire story.
A small action, but you did it!
And if you will make the simple changes I have described here, you’ll make HUGE progress in ALL AREAS OF YOUR LIFE.
Pick something else you’ve been wanting to act on and do it NOW.
The best time to act on a feeling is RIGHT NOW.
Thinking about it just makes it harder.
If you’re waiting until the time is right, STOP.
The time will never be right. That is a myth and a dangerous one I hope I’ve proven to you by now.
Make the time NOW.
The more you wait, the less likely you will act, and regret will end of haunting you, like it does for so many well-intentioned people who allow it to happen.
Your life could be amazing and it only takes one simple thing…
It’s simple..
Act Now.
Waiting is the enemy.
If there is something you want to do, you need to take action and do it now…
If you do what most people do, who wait for the right time or are telling yourself that you’ll get around to it SOMEDAY…
To start a business.
To grow a business or create more leverage in your business.
Or to take a family vacation.
Whatever it is, the TIME IS NOW.
If you look at your clock at any point in the day, the time will always be now.
And someday is not ever coming.
Life and your survival brain instinct will ALWAYS get in the way, IF you let it.
You are never guaranteed tomorrow, which is why TODAY is so important to YOU and to ME.
A few weeks ago, I got sick, dehydrated and passed out while washing my hands in the bathroom.
I fell and hit my head three different times. I suffered lacerations on my head and my chin and had a huge contusion across my forehead which came with a concussion and kept me in bed for a while (which explains the wild hair in the photo below -lol)
I remember laying there on the floor confused and not totally aware of what happened.
I could not move or speak.
It was like that phenomenon where you lay in bed feeling like you’re awake, but you cannot move or speak…
Very scary!
The crazy thing is that at the time my wife found me laying on the bathroom floor, my blood pressure had dropped to deadly levels.
I had to be rushed by ambulance to the hospital.
Jill thought I was dead and the reality is that I may have been, had the incident happened just 20 mins later than it did, because she would have already left the house to take the kids to school.
The point is that I could have died, but I didn’t.
What it reminded me of, is that we only have today, right now in this moment, to decide for ourselves what we do.
There is no tomorrow, next week, next month or someday “when the time is right” or whatever our survival brain or fear is telling us.
If you are ready to experience the REAL CHANGE that you’ve been wanting and resisting in your life, I want to give you a chance to say YES and take the first step RIGHT NOW.
You’ll be taking the first step to getting results like you’ve seen from our other clients.
Connect with me here on LinkedIn and send me a message. I'll shoot you the link a detailed video tutorial that reveals the 4-simple strategies our clients are using to generate hundreds of targeted leads and clients each month.
Thank you for reading and I hope I have inspired you in some way to make a positive change in your life TODAY.
It’s time that you make the decision to take action TODAY and EVERY DAY, even when you may not feel like it.
DECIDE and watch what happens.
Take care and take action my friend,
Anthony Simonie
P.S. Connect with me here on LinkedIn: Click Here
To get our video tutorial that reveals the 4-simple strategies our clients are using to generate hundreds of targeted leads and clients each month, message me here now and I'll get you access.
P.P.S. Here is a direct link to check out our local business page with 165/165 (5 Star Reviews)
Oh... and below is another example of the type of results our clients receive by working with us.
Leadership and Business Growth Strategist & Coach
6 年Thanks for the examples and real life stories of building and growing through tough times. The importance of having a support system of family and friends is huge to help us through those difficult times. It is also essential to remember that when times get tough, the tough keep going, it is then that they experience success that is often many times greater than what they experienced before. Thanks for making a difference!
Ready for that quantum leap? Been through alll the coaching and still haven’t gotten to where you want? You deserve better. Message me.
7 年Great and valuable experiences - we often forget that it's our failures that make our success! Thank you, Anthony, for sharing your story!!
Dynamic professional enterprise-level customer success experience in sales, customer service, and management. Expertise in developing strong customer relationships, driving ROI, and much more.
7 年Awesome post ???? thank you for sharing your amazing journey ???? #blessings