??Paul Mort??
2X UK Mastercoach of the Year, Best Selling Published Author with Harper Collins and Keynote Speaker. I work with people who want to get their sh1t together and upgrade their lives. No Fluff, No BS, no happy-clappy.
So I was talking with my buddy Ric Moylan a while back
(dudes an ELITE strength and conditioning coach)
and he was telling me that in 2016...
64.7 MILLION prescriptions were written for anti-depressants..
SCARY, right ^^^
but however shocking that statistic is...
I wasn't really that surprised
see, I'm of the opinion that modern men are F*CKED
(I'll explain more tomorrow)
Depression amongst men must be the highest it's EVER been
men seem to be struggling more then EVER
with the pressure of leading their families
and living up to expectations and the pressure of being who they're 'supposed to be'
and you know what, my mate?
thats one of THE main reasons I created "Unstoppable"
not because I'm a doctor
or a shrink...
but because i have EXPERIENCE
because I've DEALT WITH depression and bipolar
and I've kicked their ass
I've WALKED THROUGH THE FIRE... and came out of the other side
IN SPITE of what the doctors and therapists told me
IN SPTITE of what pills and potions they gave me
IN SPITE of the 'mood diary' bullsh*t that just re-affirmed how crap I felt
so while I have ZERO 'qualifications' my results speak for themselves
which is why men are applying to work with me in DROVES
want to join them and finally make the changes you want?
Keep an eye on your inbox...
I'll have some news on that soon
Paul 'not a statistic' Mort
PS- Disagree with anything I just said?
That's cool, bro
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