It is such a shock.......

It is such a shock.......

It is always a shock to receive phone calls and meet teachers who are totally at burn out with life in a school and 'the system'.

The TES published an article this week on FB and it said:

"Teachers need a home life; they need to be able to see their family. I see too many teachers who are physically exhausted and mentally broken"

This makes me incredibly sad. It doesn't have to be this way. There are options.

Do you know a teacher or someone feeling this way? I speak to so many every week and this trend is becoming stronger.

I chatted for an hour with one of my own dearest friends last Friday evening and I just said; you have such incredible skills that are so easily transferable and there is a much bigger world outside the classroom in a school and the staff room. Life can be whatever you choose it to be -just take a look! And for me there is a huge array of opportunity out there at the moment. You just have to look........ ask some questions. If you don't seek you will never find.

Little Voices of course suits drama, music, singing teachers or mums/dads with an interest/passion in the arts, children's education and giving life skills to the next generation. But there are all sorts of businesses out there in sports, creative arts and tuition. Franchising opportunities are everywhere and they really suit women, mums wanting flexible working and the safety of a support network around them. There are so many areas to choose from it doesn't have to be a child's activity although if you have children it becomes a really good family business that you children can attend too.

I am really proud to have been appointed to the board of the CAA, Children's Activities Association and in this role I arranged the very first regional meeting last Friday with Claire O'Connor founder of Babyballet and Chris Irwin founder of EdStart. WOW what a turn out at the Natwest. A huge thank you to Heather Waters and Natwest for the support of this non for profit organisation that is gaining momentum rapidly in the children's activity industry with franchisors, franchisees AND independent providers of music lessons, tuition, dance, sports etc.

It is so powerful when people collaborate and come together. Little Voices is an accredited provider and our franchisees benefit from that accreditation, they keep standards high and we provide peace of mind for parents and school in a scarily unregulated industry.

So my message today is spread the love to your friends and family, the teachers and individuals around you. Don't let them think that the classroom and a school teaching job is the only route. Contact me if you want to discover more about franchising in general or indeed if Little Voices is of interest. I am happy to share and help!

Best wishes



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