Shit happens! - and if not waterless then with reduced flush in more Sustainable Sanitary Solutions
Photo Arne Backlund - Backlund Ecology - EcoFlush diverting toilet with a bottle of PISNER Beer produced in a danish BeerCycling project

Shit happens! - and if not waterless then with reduced flush in more Sustainable Sanitary Solutions

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Besides working almost 30 years with R & D projects in waterless toilets and waterless urinals we have also at Backlund Ecology put a lot effort into cooperating on developing and testing Ultra Low Flush toilets as EcoFlush and vakuum-on-demand systems like EcoVac. So nice working with wonderful colleagues and companies with waterless systems but also to assist developing and implementing Sustainable Site Specific Sanitary Solutions - reducing water consumption producing fertilizer and with options to produce biogas with toilets diverting feces and urine to be collected separate - or primarily to achive substantiel reduction in water consumption and wastewater production in concepts with common outlets.

Working in the textile & garment industri in the 1980ties with among others value-adding just-in-time handling, production and storage lines we found a great interest in transfering ideas to the existing water & wastewater system complex.

An important part of developing and implementing ultra low flush sanitation should also be considering solutions potential clogging and deposits in pipes and sewage and among others also options to distribute pre treated wastewater in constructed wetlands - and among them one of our specialities "On-Site Zero Discharge Willow Wastewater Evapotranspiration Systems".

Just now we are working with a prototype called "EcoTipper" collecting - wastewater/water with solids - in a tipping bowl in a below surface container for release of a large 11 litres stream to piping/sewage with later collection or distribution.

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We are looking forward to test in projects - hopefully starting in Denmark and Ireland.

Just let us know if you are interested in the idea and maybe even to incorporate the EcoTipper in your existing or coming project.

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