Ships Tug barges steel renewal +Repair +Dry docking+main engine Repair & Reactivation worldwide from <?India>World:Seaworthy Marine Engineers

Ships Tug barges steel renewal +Repair +Dry docking+main engine Repair & Reactivation worldwide from <India>World:Seaworthy Marine Engineers

Emergency repair +Dry docking, Ship repair & Steel renewals+main engine repair & reactivation worldwide from <India> to Brazil :Seaworthy Marine Engineers 

Mehernosh Shroff

chief engineer

fellow of indian institute of marine engineers No 2799

Seaworthy Shipping Services +

Builders Owners , Supplier of Tugs for Barges  world wide

Mani Wadia Master Ship builder world since 1566 Marine engineers 

Dry docking of ships , bunkering , Total marine solutions

 HQ : 21 western India house , Sir P M Road Fort Mumbai

Hot line:+9191523 16981 Direct +91 22 22845723

Email :[email protected],

Gmail : [email protected]

Website : 

2/19/2019 11:52:44 AM


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