Ship Shore Safety Checklist for Liquified gas loading and unloading.

Ship Shore Safety Checklist for Liquified gas loading and unloading.

I have created this Ship shore safety checklist based on the Liquefied Gas Handling Principles On Ships and in Terminals published by the Society of International Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators.

Before Cargo Transfer

Ship Details:

○ Ship's Name:

○ Berth:

○ Port:

○ Date of Arrival:

○ Time of Arrival:

Mooring and Access

○ Is the ship securely moored with adequate fendering? Record wind velocity limits for stopping cargo, disconnecting, and unberthing.

○ Are emergency towing wires (fire wires) correctly positioned on the offshore bow and quarter (or on the side opposite the hose string at a buoy mooring)?

○ Is there safe and illuminated access between the ship and shore, positioned away from the manifolds? This could be a gangway or accommodation ladder with a safety net. A lifebuoy should be available on both ends.

Emergency Preparedness

○ Is the ship ready to move under its own power if needed? Has permission to immobilise the ship been granted by the Port Authority and terminal manager if applicable?

○ Is there an effective deck watch on board, and adequate supervision on both the terminal and the ship?

○ Is the agreed ship/shore communication system operative? Record telephone numbers and/or channels to be used.

○ Has the emergency signal been explained and understood by both ship and shore personnel?

○ Have the procedures for cargo, bunker, and ballast handling been agreed upon and recorded?

○ Have the hazards associated with the cargo, including any toxic substances, been identified and understood?

○ Has the emergency shutdown procedure been agreed upon and recorded?

○ Are fire hoses and firefighting equipment on board and ashore positioned and ready for immediate use?

Cargo and Bunker Systems

○ Are cargo and bunker hoses/arms in good condition, properly rigged, clearly marked, and appropriate for the intended service?

○ Are scuppers effectively plugged and drip trays in position, both on board and ashore?

○ Are unused cargo and bunker connections properly secured with blank flanges fully bolted?

○ Are sea and overboard discharge valves closed and visibly secured when not in use?

○ Are all cargo and bunker tank lids closed?

○ Is the agreed tank venting system being used?

○ Have the Pressure/Vacuum (P/V) vents been operated using the check lift facility and the operation of the vent verified?

Safety Equipment and Procedures

○ Are hand torches and portable VHF/UHF transceivers of an approved, safe type and in good working order?

○ Are the ship's main radio transmitter aerials earthed and radars switched off?

○ Are electric cables to portable electrical equipment disconnected from power?

○ Is galley equipment in use of a safe type and are any open fires permitted only with agreement and precautions in place?

○ Are smoking and naked light regulations being observed?

○ Is there provision for an emergency escape route both on board and ashore, in addition to the primary access?

○ Are sufficient personnel on board and ashore to deal with an emergency?

Specialised Systems

Insulating Means: Are adequate insulating means in place in the ship/shore connection to prevent stray electric currents? This could be an insulating flange or electrically discontinuous hose.

Pumproom Ventilation: If applicable, have measures been taken to ensure sufficient pumproom ventilation, with the system running throughout the operation?

Closed Loading: If the ship is capable of closed loading and that is required, have the procedures been agreed upon? This includes closed monitoring of tank contents and an overfill alarm system.

Vapour Return: If a vapour return line is connected, have operating parameters been agreed upon and recorded?

Emergency Fire Control Plans: Are ship emergency fire control plans, including a crew list, located in a prominently marked weathertight enclosure outside the deckhouse?16

Inert Gas System: If the ship is fitted, or required to be fitted, with an inert gas system, answer the following:

■ Is the inert gas system fully operational and in good working order? This includes checks of interlocking trips and alarms, deck seal, non-return valve, pressure regulating system, pressure indicator, individual tank IG valves (if fitted), and deck P/V breaker.

■ Are deck seals in good working order, with a functioning water supply and alarms?

■ Are liquid levels in P/V breakers correct, according to manufacturer recommendations?

■ Have the fixed and portable oxygen analysers been calibrated and are they working properly?

■ Are fixed inert gas pressure and oxygen recorders working?

■ Are all cargo tank atmospheres at positive pressure with an oxygen content of 8% or less by volume?

■ Are all individual tank IG valves (if fitted) correctly set, locked, and clearly indicated?

■ Are all personnel aware that in the event of inert gas plant failure, discharge operations should cease and the terminal should be advised?

Tank Cleaning: If tank cleaning is planned alongside, are the Port Authority and terminal authority informed?

Bulk Liquefied Gases

Cargo Information

○ Is information available on board and ashore, giving the necessary data for the safe handling of the cargo? This includes:

■ Cargo stowage plan

■ Physical and chemical properties

■ Actions for spills or leaks

■ Counter-measures for personal contact

■ Firefighting procedures and media

■ Procedures for cargo transfer, gas freeing, ballasting, tank cleaning, and changing cargoes

■ Special equipment needed

■ Minimum allowable inner hull steel temperatures

■ Emergency procedures

○ If the cargo requires stabilisation or inhibition, is a manufacturer's certificate available stating the name and amount of inhibitor, date added, expected duration of effectiveness, temperature limitations, and actions to be taken if the voyage exceeds the inhibitor's lifetime?

Safety Systems

○ Is the water spray system ready for use and has it been recently tested?

○ Is sufficient, suitable protective equipment (including self-contained breathing apparatus) and protective clothing ready for immediate use?

○ Are hold and inter-barrier spaces properly inerted or filled with dry air as required?

○ Are all remote control valves in working order and have they been recently tested?

Cargo Handling Equipment

○ Are the required cargo pumps and compressors in good order? Have maximum working pressures been agreed upon and recorded?

○ Is reliquefaction or boil-off control equipment in good order and functioning correctly?

○ Is gas detection equipment properly set for the cargo, calibrated, and in good working order? Has fixed gas detection equipment been calibrated and the alarm function tested? Is span gas available? Are portable instruments available, calibrated, and suitable?

○ Are cargo system gauges and alarms correctly set and in good working order?

○ Are emergency shutdown systems working properly? Have they been tested before cargo transfer?

○ Does the shore know the closing rate of the ship's automatic valves, and does the ship have similar details of the shore system? Has a written agreement been made about whether the cargo handling rate will be adjusted or alternative systems will be used to prevent pressure surge?

○ Has information been exchanged and recorded regarding the maximum/minimum temperatures and pressures of the cargo to be handled?

○ Are cargo tanks protected against inadvertent overfilling at all times during cargo operations? Is the automatic shutdown system functioning and tested? Have interconnected shutdown systems been checked?

○ Is the compressor room properly ventilated (with fans running for at least 10 minutes before and throughout operations), the electrical motor room properly pressurised, and the alarm system working?

○ Are cargo tank relief valves set correctly and the actual settings clearly and visibly displayed? Are high-pressure alarms set accordingly? Are relief valve settings recorded on the checklist?


● It is confirmed that, having completed the Ship/Shore Safety Check List, no operations involving the transfer of bulk liquid dangerous substances will commence until it has been mutually agreed that such operations can be safely carried out.

● Repetitive checks will be carried out as necessary, and items marked with "R" will be re-checked at intervals not exceeding ______ hours.

For Ship

○ Name:

○ Rank:

○ Signature:

○ Date:

○ Time:

For Shore

○ Name:

○ Position:

○ Signature:

○ Date:

○ Time:


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