The Ship at Nor-Shipping 2022 Post-trade show summary
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The Ship at Nor-Shipping 2022 Post-trade show summary

Wow, what a week

Being at a 4 days trade show means a lot of work and how did it go? Although we had a belief that the down time would make up for a lot of frustration it actually became a welcomed breather.

Read our pre-show articles.

  1. Meet The Ship at Nor-Shipping 2022 Pre-show article 1/3
  2. Meet The Ship at Nor-Shipping 2022 Pre-show article 2/3
  3. Meet The Ship at Nor-Shipping 2022 Pre-show article 3/3

As i stated in the first pre-show article we needed a plan and reasons to go. We wanted to measure our goals and create an attractive, functional and uncluttered exhibit. Let's dig into these plan points.

Why did we go and how it turned out

We went because as a new kid in town we wanted to attract potential customers and collaboration possibilities, together with showing off and enhance our brand and services. I must say that this paid off, beside some downtime early Monday and after lunch the last day, we were talking and showing off our services constantly. A pure delight

Our goals and how it turned out

We wanted a 20 % turnover in meetings and hand out our stack of special The Ship Access Cards. We have had continuous meetings after the show with potential customers and collaboration possibilities, so i can say we reached that one pretty well. The visitors were constantly serving up good questions causing further brainstorming and talks that we almost forgot handing out our The Ship Access Cards, so we didn't manage to hand out all those cards.

The exhibit booth - did it attract the right people?

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We wanted no: "Creating a pathway to your port call optimisation serving applications with one truth" That kind of slogans would do nothing for us. We wanted to attract people that was working with post fixtures, statement of facts and port operations and we wanted people to know this when they saw our small, but cool booth;) We actually got a lot of kudos for our stand and we appreciated that, because our budget was not big in any means. Thank to all the pleasant feedback, you guys are either too correct or genuinely good people - and i prefer to think the latter.

Our onsite Apple Watch Raffle

We had an onsite raffle and the winner was Sebastian Schjerven from Neuron Solutions. A big congratulations from us and thank you for taking time to speak with us at norshipping.

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Hope to join next year or maybe we'll attend the Posidonia Shipping Conference

Weather conditions at my current location

14°?Feels like?14°, Precipitation 0mm, 6 m/s moderate breeze from north west with gusts at 12 m/s

All the best Ole@The Ship


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