The Ship of Fools
Voyage 1: Ernest Moniz and the U.S. Department of Energy
Thousands upon thousands of people work within every industry, company, and institution. Big Oil doesn't care about them. Big Oil targets those who want to be king and convinces them that they being paid millions for their ideas, when they're being paid millions to betray the institutions, companies, and organizations that they represent.
The Carbon Capture Hoax
The money comes first, the "research" follows.
From 2020 to 2024, Ernest Moniz produced a small library of reports, webinars, workshops and interviews to attract investors to CCS projects.
"Technically viable but not economically feasible."
Big Oil controls U.S. media
In 2022, the BBC aired a 3-part documentary, "Big Oil vs. the World", with the third episode, Delay, focused on the shale revolution and the resulting crisis of methane emissions. The BBC focused in particular on Ernest Moniz, the funding for his 2011 report, "The Future of Natural Gas," and his 2012 appointment as U.S. Energy Secretary in Barack Obama's second administration, where he blocked action on the methane crisis.
When the same documentary aired in the U.S. on PBS, it had been retitled, "The Power of Big Oil," and six minutes of evidence against Moniz had been removed, including any information regarding his funding from the fossil fuel industry and key testimony against Moniz from Heather Zichal, Barack Obama's deputy assistant on energy and climate from 2009-2013.
And not a single media source commented on the original expose or the U.S.coverup.
Climate Action
"Somebody, Somewhere, Do Something!!!"
For academics and academic, the primary model of climate advocacy is to describe a horror — boiling oceans, melting glaciers, flooding rivers, etc — as if all that is need is to inspire action, and someone, somewhere, will then do something.
But the reality is that we are not in control of the ships that represent us. The fossil fuel industry is. Darren Woods is not steering the U.S. Department of Energy to fosil fuels.Ernest Moniz is, along with John Podesta, and they must be the focus of our engagement, of our activism.
Please share this newsletter
This newsletter generates emails sent to everyone who has subscribed, and those emails can then be sent to critical people to ask them to take action, to alert them to the power of fossil fuels and the people who have taken control of U.S. institutions to serve the interests of a global cartel.
I have written boilerplate text that can be adapted for different recipients:
To media:
Dear ___, In 2022 the BBC aired a devastating documentary that exposed the role of U.S. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz in blocking U.S. action on the methane emissions crisis from 2012 to the present. When the same documentary aired on PBS for U.S. audiences, six minutes of evidence against Moniz had been deleted, so that the PBS version represented the exact opposite point of the BBC version. Instead of describing the war that Big Oil was waging on the world, and the role that a U.S. energy secretary had played and continues to play on the side of Big Oil, PBS explained our "failure to tackle the crisis of climate change."
This explicit coverup has received no media attention of any kind, and I am asking you to investigate the two versions and the reasons for the changes from the BBC to PBS.
I am also forwarding a newsletter that provides further information on Ernest Moniz and his rise to power.
Project Development Engineer Zero Design/MegaVolt Power
10 个月Subscribed. Edmond, you're a man on a mission. Thank you for all your tireless work. The least we can do is help get the work out there in front of eyes so minds can process the implications.
Genocide in Gaza, Polycrisis Strategy, MIT Whistleblower
10 个月My original intention with the Ship of Fools reference was to show how Ernest Moniz and Sally Benson, funded by the fossil fuel industry as the founding directors of their respective research centers, use their federal appointments to sell fossil fuels. In 2021, John Podesta appointed Sally Benson, the founding director of Stanford's Center for Carbon Storage (2012), to lead the U.S. Transition to Clean Energy. Instead of doing that, Benson spent the entire 2 years that she was in Washington working with Ernest Moniz to sell the hoax of carbon capture from her White House office. She repeatedly describes CCS as "essential," and cites literature to back up that claim. But when you check the sources that she cites, including her own White House office, you find that she has misrepresented the research. Carbon capture is vital to the fossil fuel industry, yet this fraud will destroy every pledge that Joe Biden has made regarding a "pause," regarding new methane emissions. It will destroy air quality, ground water, and quality of life for the most vulnerable people and communities in the U.S. and around the world. Sally Benson should never have been appointed to lead the U.S. transition to clean energy.
Genocide in Gaza, Polycrisis Strategy, MIT Whistleblower
10 个月To the U.S. Department of Energy, John Podesta has sole control of the entire $369 billion I.R.A. budget, and he has used that autonomy to sustain fossil fuels without any debate, vote, discussion. In the next few editions of this newsletter I ill lay out how this tragedy has happened, what the consequences are for climate action and environmental justice. And that story begins with Ernest Moniz. Whatever good you are doing, nothing that you do can outrun the harm that fossil fuels are causing through the open door of carbon capture. It seems negligible, a bit of corruption to make the rest work. But that isn't what's happening. (I'm going to tag as many people in DOE as I can. I know that it can be incredibly annoying to receive a notification every time someone hits the Like button for a post that has tagged you. But tagging is an essential LinkedIn tool. It is how people speak truth to power. It is how we try to connect to people that we don't know, whose work is relevant to ours. So instead of untagging, yourselves, please consider simply right clicking on the first notification you receive and choose the "Mute future notifications" option.)
Genocide in Gaza, Polycrisis Strategy, MIT Whistleblower
10 个月The idea that Ernest Moniz could release Big Oil's business plan in 2024 without any commentary from anyone just speaks to how deeply Big Oil controls our understanding. And this article from Inside Climate News perfectly captures the problem. The headline gives us the comforting illusion that some criticism is being registered, and that this represents some sort of opposition. But in fact, the headline is the harshest criticism. Inside, the opposition simply registers their "concern," but the article doesn't come close to anything that the fossil fuel industry is actually doing. This is the media coverage that the fossil fuel industry works hard to encourage the illusion of judgment, that triggers no change, no action.
Genocide in Gaza, Polycrisis Strategy, MIT Whistleblower
10 个月I think this graphic represents Ernest Moniz better than anything I could write.