Shiny Object Or Opportunity?

Shiny Object Or Opportunity?

If you took a few minutes to look through the files on your computer, how many programs would you find that you purchased and actually opened and went through?

How many programs, courses, and content have you spent money on that you've never opened or thought about again?

If you are anything like me, probably a lot. So much money wasted on things that sounded good at the time but for whatever reason, we promptly forgot about once we purchased.

Why do we do this?

I have a couple of thoughts about why we continue this habit...

  1. We aren't getting the results we want. Not enough leads, not enough interested people to talk to, not enough new clients, customers, or team members. If we aren't seeing results from the activities we have been implementing, it's easy to look around and think, "Wow! This is what I'm missing!". We buy it. We open and start going through the content and maybe even follow through on what we are taught. Then we stop. OR we buy, download, and promptly forget about it. 
  2. We aren't sure of who we serve, how we serve them, the transformational journey we take them on, and/or the "happily-ever-after" they are really buying. When we aren't crystal clear on where we want our business to go and who we serve, it's easy to be distracted by the "next new thing". We start a lot of programs, courses, and maybe even coaching, but never finish or stay with it long enough to see results. We are "super busy" but not effective or productive.

How Do We Identify The Difference Between Shiny Object and Opportunity?

Clarity within our own business will help us determine if the things that attract our attention are either an opportunity we should explore or a distraction we should ignore.

Clarity will save you time because you won't be spending time on activities that don't really serve you or your business goals.

Clarity saves you money because you won't be looking at and purchasing programs, courses, content, etc., that doesn't serve you or your business goals.

What To Become Clear On

 ?? Who do you serve? Be specific! Narrow it down tightly. I coach my clients to think about their 3 most favorite clients/customers/team members. What was their pain? How did they express it? What did they want as their "happily-ever-after"? What made them your fav's?

?? What does the transformation journey they'll experience look like? Feel like?

?? How do you deliver the journey?

?? What are the micro-wins they'll have along the way?

?? What is the end result the person can look forward to - the "happily-ever-after"? Will they know it when they get there?

Why This Matters

When you are clear on the things listed above, you will know AT A GLANCE whether you should click on a "learn more" link... 

When you are distracted by an offer, ask yourself, "Is this moving me forward with what I'm already doing toward success or is this a distraction that will have me doing something totally different instead of staying the course". 

Our businesses evolve and we need to be aware of that. But we also need to know that without a strong foundation where we are already experiencing success, adding one more thing to our plates won't bring us the success we desire.

Focus on doing a couple of activities really well. Master them. Be sure you are getting results with those activities (more leads, optins, sales, strategy calls, people looking at your business opp) before diluting or stopping what you are currently doing.

All the social media platforms are great.

Most of the programs, offers, courses, and content are great.

But not necessarily great for you, or your business, at this time! 

When you are clear about your business, who you serve, how you serve, and the transformation they will have, it's much easier to look at all the offers that pop up in front of us continually and determine which one(s) we should explore and which ones we should ignore for the time being.

I promise, you'll be thrilled at how much time and money you save AND at the results your business will have when you stay focused and do a few things really well.



I teach women entrepreneurs how to become influencers in their niche, even if they are an introvert! To schedule a free, no pitch-slapping, 30-minute strategy call with me, go HERE.


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