Shine Your Light
Suzanne Blake, PCC
Award-Winning Career and Mindset Coach/Leadership Development: Helping Job Seekers Own + Leverage Their Strengths to Secure a Customized Career Path/Assisting Leaders with Building High Performing Teams
Our local arts center, Medfield’s Bellforge sponsors some amazing music, festivals, dance, and community events. The center is a cultural hub nestled in nature, fostering community and artistic expression.
Drawing on my former theater background, I recently led a community illumination parade, showcasing a tapestry of light, color, and community spirit.
As the group carried their lanterns aloft, I reminded them that their inner light was even brighter. Their unique gifts added to the parade’s magic.
Why is it sometimes easier to show off a paper mache lantern than to let our own lights shine? There are so many taboos about being too confident, or not wanting to look like one is bragging, etc. Our inner critic thinks its job is to keep us safe, and often works to dim our light.
In our sometimes dark and scary world, a bright light can tame fear and raise our spirits. We all have something wonderful to share if we eliminate self-censoring and focus on how many people might benefit from what we hold too tightly within.
Moving forward:
What is your special inner light??
Where are you comfortable shining it?
Where does your ego or fear hold you back?
Who might benefit from you shining it even more?
What small step can you take to bring one of your talents to the forefront?
If you have had challenges sharing your gifts and inner light, I can help! Taking small steps, we will help you connect with your true talents and share these much-needed gifts with the world! Imagine how your life and the lives of others would brighten if you could pass on this torch! DM me to set up a 45-minute complimentary session to learn more about how coaching can help you build a more confident mindset and own your strengths!
#innerlight ?#selfempowerment #careercoaching #careertransition