Shine your Light.
There is an untapped reservoir of potential within each of us that is waiting to be unleashed upon the world. It is a treasure trove buried deep within, waiting for the spirit of our brave adventurer to unearth its riches.
We often go through life navigating multiple layers of societal expectations, fears, doubts, and insecurities. We bury our true selves under the weight of conformity, afraid to shine our light too brightly, fearing that we may be harshly judged, criticized, or rejected. The truth is that when we hide our authentic selves, we deny the world the gifts that could save us.
Think of those moments when you have felt truly alive, when you have been in your element, doing something that sets your soul on fire. Maybe it is painting, writing, singing, dancing, or solving complex mathematical equations. In those moments, you are tapping into a wellspring of creativity, passion, and purpose. Many would suggest it is why you are here.
What if we brought that same energy and authenticity to every aspect of our lives? What would happen? One of my favorite quotes is from the lost gospels, the Book of Thomas. It reads, “If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you.” In other words, when we embrace and express our true selves, we are escaping a life of mediocrity and conformity and empowering ourselves to live a life of meaning, fulfillment, and joy.
The best part is that it is not only about saving ourselves; it is about saving others as well. We permit others to do the same when we dare to live authentically. That courage becomes contagious; it inspires other people around us to break free from their self-imposed limitations and embrace their true selves as well. It is a ripple effect with the power to transform entire communities and societies.
One could easily argue that this is easier said than done. Stepping into our authenticity can be downright terrifying. It means that we must face our fears, confront our insecurities, and risk rejection. That is all true, but one thing is for certain—the rewards far outweigh the risks.
So, how do we start bringing forth what is within us? Well, it all begins with self-awareness. We must take the time to reflect on who we truly are, and what lights us up and inspires our passion. Then, we must have the courage to share that authenticity with the world, one small step at a time.
Maybe it's writing that book you've been dreaming about, starting that business you've always wanted to launch, or simply speaking your truth, even when it's uncomfortable. Whatever it is, the world needs each of our unique gifts now more than ever.
Success or sabotage? Do not hide your light. Embrace who you are and unleash your full potential. Watch as your world transforms in ways you never thought possible.?
Is this going to be an incredible day? Let that light shine bright. The world has been waiting.