Shine Brighter
Posted by Kalika Yap an hour ago
Hello Boss!
You know that feeling.
You hear a great joke and minutes after you’re still smiling.
You continue to keep a broad grin as the server brings you your check, or the Trader Joe's clerk hands you your groceries.
At that moment, all your problems have disappeared. You’re at once carefree, radiating a joy and happiness that is palpable to others.
You can capture that feeling of smiling in your mind.
Resolve today to turn up your light, your spark.
Decide today to shine your light, only brighter.
“Be your own light.”
Recommended Viewing
How To Let Your Light Shine Bright | Lisa Nichols
World-renowned motivational speaker and bestselling author Lisa Nichols deliver a powerful speech on how to never dim your light for the sake of others and let yourself shine regardless of what those around you might think. Discover Lisa Nichols' 24 strategies to create the life that you want.
Recommended Reading
Leadership & Self Deception by The Arbinger Institute
“The bigger problem was that I couldn’t see that I was the one who had a problem.”
Self-deception is like this. It blinds us to the true causes of problems.
We unknowingly trap ourselves in a "box" of endless self-justification and this book shows us the way out.
You'll discover what millions already have learned--how to consistently tap into and act on their innate sense of what's right, dramatically improving all of their relationships.
Whether at work or at home, self-deception obscures the truth about ourselves, taints our view of others and inhibits our ability to make wise and helpful decisions.