Shimmering in the Web of Universal Energy: Unlocking Solutions ??
Photo from The Magnetic Heart of the Milky Way by The New York Times

Shimmering in the Web of Universal Energy: Unlocking Solutions ??

Albert Einstein stressed the importance of having new viewpoints when he said the following: "We cannot solve problems with the kind of thinking we employed when we came up with them."

This is why we need to get better at thinking out-of-our-boxes. But, not just thinking, but communicating and expanding our boxes as well.

This week, CrisMarie and I will be keynote speakers at The Growth Summit put on by the Kalispell Chamber. This is an event designed to bring together our community to address challenging issues. In other words, to talk across the table to find solutions.

I love the intention, and opportunities like this are so needed and yet, sometimes challenging due to polarized positions. These polarized positions are a sign our boxes are too tight. We aren’t able to shimmer in the web of all possibilities.

I want to share today more on how our boxes became so tight.

Energy Into Matter

There’s Universal energy (this universe is all energy) – call it whatever you like – God, Prana, Chi – Higher Power. The main point is universal and energy.

Everything in this universe is made up of energy. Our understanding of energy is a great example of expanding our boxes over time.

Over the millennials, we continue to advance our knowledge of energy. Just last week, new images became visible that showed patterns of the energy in our Milky Way. They are beautiful images of patterns within patterns.

At one point, we did think and believe the world was flat. We also used to only communicate through gatherings, limited by geographical space. Today, we can meet virtually across all time zones.

Now, there are major advances through virtual reality and AI.

We keep expanding our knowledge and understanding; more evidence that we are indeed energy and all connected.

Yet we are also separate. (Human/Matter)

The way we survive is through learning to conform and fit in.

That starts with caregivers, and continues with school, authority, roles, religion, and government. All of which are influencing how we shape ourselves.

Our values, and our beliefs, become our box, and often our identity becomes tied to our box.

Sometimes the box gets so solid and defined, we lose our connection to that universal energy.

This leads to a very transactional world, talking between our boxes.

Boxes like ours we think are great.

Boxes not like ours become enemies.

We are so wired into our boxes (belief systems) that we think this is reality, when really we have created the box solely based on our personal experiences, education, caregivers, culture and significant emotional experiences. This is how we have brought energy into matter.

That’s the thinking that has created our problems.

So as Einstein said, if we want to get beyond those problems, we must shift our viewpoints, expand our reality, and get out of our box.

Though we, CrisMarie and I, prefer to think of loosening the walls of the box , because the box isn’t all bad. What each of us has learned is valuable and likely contains a piece of energy that is vital to solving today’s problems. That one piece though, needs to connect with the rest of the puzzle pieces.

When we get there, into that field of potential, we tap into more universal energy.

Getting there requires two significant steps. One is understanding our thinking, not making it right or wrong, but just understanding that it is only one way of putting our energy (potential) into matter (form).

The second step is to become curious and genuinely interested in how others do the same.

As we share how we put the pieces together, we are opening and revealing our box, and what’s inside - being vulnerable.

As we get curious in another, we begin to expand our connection to more energy and untapped potential - being curious.

When our boxes are loosening, we can shimmer in the web of universal energy into new possibility.

This is where solutions become possible.

Have a great week. Let yourself shimmer in the web this week.


So often business teams want to rush to a solution before they even really understand the problem and get new perspectives and information. Our job is to help them expand their thinking so they solve it from a higher level of consciousness!



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