Shimmering Solidarity: Global Rights Summit.
Dear Colleagues,
Today, I am forwarding you a personal invitation and I encourage you to consider joining this private grantmaker/ donor only Summit.
The “anti-gender” movement is an emerging oppositional force that makes it clear: all of our progressive work is connected and under shared attack on a global, regional, and local level. While ostensibly focused on enforcing gender normativity, the movement indeed attacks all forms of self-determination, climate science, and democratic systems – and is winning legislative and electoral victories around the world. Progressive movements and their philanthropic partners are being outspent by hundreds of millions of dollars each year by this network of anti-rights organizations and campaigns, and the institutions providing that opposition funding have developed sophisticated and coordinated systems to learn, co-fund, and expand their influence.
We have much work ahead to resource our movements against the attacks and destabilization wrought by this movement and related anti-rights campaigns, and to build towards the visions of a more just, free, and peaceful world that are core to all of our work.
Today, I invite you to register for the Shimmering Solidarity: Global Rights Summit. This summit is a new kind of event in our sector; a multi-month series bringing together diverse global, regional, and locally-focused philanthropic sectors and other leaders to learn together, collaborate, and catalyze new and needed investments.
I invite you to join the consequential discussions and strategic developments within Shimmering Solidarity as a valued and critical part of the ecosystem of grantmakers, thought leaders, philanthropic networks, and other decision-makers engaged in this work.
The curated mix of summit sessions and the wide network of funders joining together in this platform will yield a powerful space to explore innovations and intersecting strategies in support of human rights movements, response to the climate crisis, defense of democracy, and open space for civil society, and more – including the new impacts and adaptations resulting from COVID-19.
Let us seize this remarkable opportunity to work together and engage our collective learning, spending power, and institutional knowledge to leverage the collective power that this generational crisis demands.
For the preliminary agenda as of 2/18/21 please click here. For security purposes, the PDF can't be downloaded but you can zoom in to view details. The link expires on 3/15/21. Please do not share this link with anyone as the agenda continues to change and this PDF is not being edited or updated.
I hope to see you there!
Register for Shimmering Solidarity: Global Rights Summit before the summit starts!
Join Global Philanthropy Project with Elevate Children's Funders Group, Funders’ Initiative for Civil Society, Peace and Security Funders Group, and Philanthropy Advancing Women’s Human Rights and let us seize this remarkable opportunity to work together and engage our collective learning, spending power, and institutional knowledge to help transform the conditions of our communities.
This summit focuses on grantmaker responses to the “anti-gender” movement and related global anti-rights agendas, and features 55+ cross-sectoral sessions and many more events across four months of virtual programming (March-June 2021).
Topics for beginner, knowledgeable, and expert grantmakers span varied topics including:
- Feminist and LGBTI movement strategies and solutions.
- Responding to COVID, climate change, closing space, and interconnected crises.
- Youth resistance to the "anti-gender" movement.
- Promoting peace, security, and collective care.
- Grantmaking strategies and grantcraft tools at local, regional, and global levels.
The Global Rights Summit is a unique opportunity for grantmakers, philanthropic networks, and aligned colleagues to build shared analysis around anti-rights attacks and strategize towards multi-sectoral progressive philanthropic responses.
Additional programming includes:
- A panel of leading Foundation Presidents exploring the implications of anti-gender efforts for their institutions.
- A youth-run session on young people's frontline responses.
- A tribute event honoring our colleague Susan Treadwell.
- Five regional breakout sessions exploring "what's next" in cross-sectoral collaboration.
- Artist performances from around the world.
- Self-organized sessions, networking opportunities, and more.
Formal agenda sessions take place on Tuesdays or Thursdays, generally 2–3:30pm UTC (see your time zone). Self-organized sessions and tech support opportunities are held on Wednesdays and Fridays.
Register today to join over 200 colleagues already registered from organizations including:
American Jewish World Service, Arcus Foundation, Bulgarian Fund for Women, Calala Women's Fund, Channel Foundation, Children's Investment Fund Foundation, Children's Rignts Innovation Fund, CivSource Africa Ltd, Comic Relief UK, Compton Foundation, Dignity for All, EDGE FUNDERS Alliance, ELAS Fund, Elevate Children Funders Group, Firelight Foundation, Fondo Centroamericano de Mujeres, Fondo de Accion Urgente para America Latina y el Caribe (FAU-AL), Fondo de Mujeres Bolivia - Apthapi Jopueti, Fondo de Mujeres del Sur, Fondo Lunaria, Fondo Semillas, Ford Foundation, Foundation for a Just Society, FRI-Norwegian Organization for Sexual and Gender Diversity, Frontline AIDS, Fund for Global Human Rights, Global Fund for Women, Groundwork Partners, Guttmacher Institute, HER Fund, Horizons Foundation, Human Rights Funders Network, ILGA-Europe, International Planned Parenthood Federation European Network, International Trans Fund, International Women's Health Coalition, Ipas, Laudes Foundation, MADRE, Mama Cash, Mediterranean Women's Fund, Mensen met een Missie, Oak Foundation, Open Society Foundations, Open Society Initiative for Europe (OSIFE), OutRight Action International, Packard Foundation, Reconstruction Women's Fund, Red Umbrella Fund, Regnb?gsfonden / Rainbow Fund (Sweden), Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Sigrid Rausing Trust Fund, Stonewall, Strategic Issues & Research Council (SIRC), The Norwegian Helsinki Committee, The Packard Foundation, The Summit Foundation, Thousand Currents, Trag Foundation, Transparency & Accountability Initiative, UAF-Africa, UHAI-EASHRI, Ukrainian Women's Fund, UN Women, , United Belize Advocacy Movement, Urgent Action Fund Asia and Pacific, Wallace Global Fund, Wellspring Philanthropic Fund, With and For Girls Collective/Purposeful, Women's Foundation California, Women's Fund Armenia, Women's Fund Asia, Women's Fund in Georgia, and more.
Please note: this summit is open to grantmakers, philanthropic networks, and invited content experts. To ensure summit security, all registrants will be placed in a temporary waitlist to be approved for ticketing completion.
Matthew Hart
Global Philanthropy Project
Pronouns: They/ Them
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S: globalphilanthropyproject
T: @GPP_Updates
READ: 2017-2018 Global Resources Report: Government & Philanthropic Support for LGBTI Communities