Sherry Anshara
Empowering Holistic Wellness | Best-Selling International Author & Speaker | Transforming Lives & Teams | Creator of the Anshara AHA! Method?| Unlocking Intuition for Accelerated Results
To unconditionally love someone in the idea or belief system of Duality, this idea has many
challenges! The one thing that is so challenging, is how “unconditional” is processed in
relationships. Especially in the relationship with Self. Unconditional in the meaning of the
word means unqualified, categorical, unrestricted and absolute! How interesting!
If you love someone unconditional, then what is the meaning of unqualified. In a meaning as
a descriptive it defines unconditional love as incompetent, unprofessional and ill-equipped.
This causes all sorts of confusion for sure. Then unconditional love in this definition creates
and causes deep uncertainty for everyone involved.
Unconditional love in the definition of categorical the meaning evokes unqualified, definite
and uncompromising. How amazing. Unqualified elicits incompetent, yet absolute. Even
more interesting. Unconditional love would be absolutely incompetent. This is so confusing.
Unconditional love as incompetent. Could this explain some unconditionally loving
relationships as absolutely incompetent? Getting even more interesting!!!
How about the meaning of unrestricted! In this definition, unconditional love is free,
limitless, clear and unobstructed. WOW! This sounds so much more giving and
unjudgmental! Could this be the best word that defines unconditional love in relationships?
This is really interesting!
Now how about the definition in the word absolute! Hmmmm! Absolute includes the words
unconditional, unmodified, total and complete. In this definition of unconditional, then love
can be unmodified, total and complete! However and there are many times when the word
however comes into play, in this terminology would total and complete mean there is no
growth or evolution in unconditional love in a relationship with Self or with some else?
This brings up a huge questions, does unconditional love stay the same. Or can there be
growth in unconditional love. No growth in an unconditional loving relationship would that
not be static, fixed and lacking flexibility? WOW! This is very very interesting.
Hmmm! This description of Unconditional Love seems to have so many caveats. Therefore, in
unconditional loving relationships, if each person or persons involved, is there at times the
challenge of ‘trying and trying” to define this term Unconditional Love. Does each person
involved have their own idea or definition of “unconditional” that may or not match the
other person involved? This is a very pertinent question!
Consider within your Self what does Unconditional Love mean to you. In your experiences
when you have loved someone unconditionally, did you discover that the other person did
not, in fact, have the same idea of Unconditional Love with you?
There is no judgment here! There could be, however, a chasm in the resonance of each
persons definition or idea of Unconditional Love. The chasm causes a glitch in the
relationship’s connection. Is the chasm the “misunderstanding” or “misinterpretation
between two people of what Unconditional Love really means.
Does the reality of each person’s definition of Unconditional Love not have a compatible
resonance that defines what “Unconditional Love” means to each person? This is a huge
question. The foundation of Unconditional Love is resonance. From the resonance, based
upon a person’s belief systems, the frequency and/or the “vibes” expresses physical,
emotionally, mentally, spiritually and even financially, the cost of investment in the
relationship. And the cost is definitely defined as each person’s investment in the
relationship. Time and effort are the definitely aspects of the investment!
When the resonances of the belief systems, or the ideas of when Unconditional Love does not
match, emotional and physical challenges erupt in the relationship. The investment in the
relationship is very challenged So, let’s consider a conscious paradigm shift in this much
used Unconditional Love. Let’s consider a different perspective that perhaps would support
each person or everyone involved in the old paradigm of Unconditional Love.
From a different perspective, let’s contemplate a new resonance defined as Unconditional
Acceptance! In Unconditional Acceptance there really no caveats. There are no limitations,
no restrictive belief systems, no boxes of restrictions, no resonance of any confusion. There is
a foundation of boxed restrictions. Box free. Restrictions free. Mutable, flexible and supple.
Not bound by Duality based restrictions and more times than not unattainable restraints.
Unconditional Acceptance! Consciously, non-Duality accepting, allowing and agreeing, even
agreeing to disagree and still be involved in a relationship. Is this pie in the sky? NO. The
more you Unconditionally Accept Your Self, the more you can unconditionally accept
someone else.
The Freedom is you can now choose how you participate with the other person or persons. If
in fact, you choose to participate or not. Accepting another person Unconditionally is so
freeing. You now can choose the how and the why you get involved or not. Whether you
Unconditionally accept to be in the relationship or not.
If the relationship was not productive, in Unconditional Acceptance, you can see it as an
experience without judgement of Self or anyone and move on! In a relationship of
Unconditional Acceptance you have free to choose how each or all of you participate with
each other. There a not boxes of confining Belief Systems. Everyone is Free to be his or her
Self! The best aspect of Unconditional Acceptance is Freedom!