Shifting your mindset from compliance to operational excellence
twoSB Management Systems
ISO and H&S Consultancy: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 22301, ISO 27001, ISO 45001, Health and Safety and SSIP
Simon Rigden, twoSB Management Systems Consultant
“Quality: from compliance to performance”?means how a business shifts its approach towards quality.
Whilst quality is without doubt a key area for all businesses and ensuring that perspective clients receive the final product, when a business first implements a quality management system (QMS) to comply with ISO 9001:2015 – this can often be seen as a “compliance” initiative. However, through the careful maintenance and effective implementation of a QMS – over time, the emphasis shifts towards a performance tool.
In alignment with ISO 9001:2015, the ultimate reward (in addition to a certified system) is achieving operational excellence, through effective resource planning and process effectiveness. It is widely seen how successful businesses utilise an effective QMS to drive performance internally, which ultimately influences the external presence and standing within their perspective industry sectors.
Through the adoption of the key principles of an effective QMS into the day-to-day operations – this changes the “mindset” from: “How do we comply with the ISO 9001:2015 standard?” to “How can we utilise our QMS sufficiently, to promote continual improvement and drive our performance optimisation efforts?”
As a management systems consultant – to be able to be a part of a successful implementation of an effective QMS for a business, providing continued support to our clients and seeing how businesses effectively monitor their performance – is a constant motivation, and drive me towards continually improving my performance and assisting others in the process.
#worldqualityweek #worldqualityweek2024 #ISO9001 #ISO9001consultant #QualityExcellence #BusinessImprovement #QMS #ContinualImprovement #PerformanceOptimisation