Michael Harry Yamson
Administrator of the District Assemblies Common Fund (February 2025) I Board Member I Turnaround Strategist I Advisory I Consulting I Business and Institutional Transformation I Speaker
Dealing with the subject of Navigating Complex Problem Solving in Organisations throws up the interesting two-pronged task of providing a comprehensive overview of the creative problem-solving process and demonstrating how that is relevant for modern managers, both in the private and public sectors. This is a big deal considering that creative problem-solving skill has been declared as “the skill of the 21st century”. Andreas Schleicher, Special Assistant to the Secretary-General of OECD puts it simply as “the world no longer rewards people for just what they know - Google knows everything- but for what they can do with what they know”.
Problem-solving depends on the capacity of the organisation or an individual to engage in cognitive processing - the ability to take in information and transform it, store it, recover it, and put it to work – and various professional organisations have developed various methods, approaches, and problem-solving methodologies.?The approach adopted to teach cognitive processing for problem-solving during the IY&A workshop is based on the combined ideas, frameworks and business redesign concepts developed by McKinsey & Company, AtoS International and the Boston Consulting Group.
Individuals and managers of both private and public organisations need to understand that ad-hoc application of experience alone to current problems, SMART and pyramid principles do not reduce or address personal biases in complex problem-solving. The resultant solution is and will always be sub-optimal. On the contrary, it is rather the consistent application of, among others, inductive and deductive knowledge, coupled with the way they cleave problems that address bias, that often lead to pitfalls and common mistakes.
Our lead presenter – Dela Evans has used these tools extensively in international projects for major corporates such as Renault International, British Rail, KLM among others to help leaders in organisations to effectively define, disaggregate, prioritise and analyse problems, and synthesize, communicate and implement solutions.
We invite you to call 0247665283 or visit to register and join the Navigating Complex Problem Solving in Organisations programme by Ishmael Yamson & Associates on March 24 and 25.
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