Shifting into Mindfulness
Angelic I.
?Guiding chronic illness warriors to navigate relocation and cultivate balance and happiness
"Adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience" Ralph Waldo Emerson
There are so many misconceptions around mindfulness and I thought it would be a good idea to enlighten you if you're new to mindfulness practice, unfamiliar and/or skeptic about how it can impact your life.
First and foremost, mindfulness is NOT a religion and it doesn't follow any particular dogma. It's not about being happy and positive all the time, nor do you have to sit in the corner and chant in stillness for hours on end.
Mindfulness is simply a state of mind. It's the practice of living in the present moment and strengthening your self awareness around thought, intuition and empathy. Mindfulness practice is doing the inner work that guides you to invite more peace, balance and joy in life.
Most importantly, mindfulness is a life long practice that will help you to perceive, accept and process the challenges of life with kinder eyes and a more compassionate heart. It also challenges you to cultivate more patience and empathy towards self love.
The practice itself involves a variety of modalities that can help you shape a new mindset and live a more mindful way of life. Many of which you are already practicing and perhaps unaware that you are creating a mindful routine. Such as;
There are so many other modalities in which you can start to incorporate mindfulness into your life and it can be a little overwhelming at first. It's not meant to complicate things or confuse you, so taking it slow and having patience with yourself is crucial.
I think the most important thing right now, if you're just beginning to think about mindfulness, is that you have to believe in it. And I mean whole heartedly with every inch of your soul. What might work for others, won't necessarily work for you. Mindfulness is not a trend and it's definitely not a quick movement into love and light. So please keep in mind that this has to make sense to you and that you are willing to put in the work and create the life you deserve.
You are constantly evolving and life brings so many changes, as like the seasons change. Mindfulness is meant to help you adapt to this self evolution with more peace and acceptance. It's a lifetime commitment to improving one self with strengthened love and compassion. There will be many, MANY difficult periods that will challenge you, but knowing that these challenges are showing up to teach you more about yourself, who you are and who you want to be will help you stay aligned with what's important to you.
It's not an easy road but oh so worth the journey!
I'd love to hear your thoughts, please comment below or ask any questions. I'm always happy to connect
Stay well,
Angelic x