Shift your Thoughts.
I am happy because I want to be happy. I am not allowing myself to fall into the incessant societal temptation that inspires us to believe that the happiness that we desire is only available if our life meets certain conditions or if we acquire certain desires. This is accomplished by surrendering to the appreciation of what already is, rather than permitting focus on what is not yet in my experience.
I am disciplined in my focus. I reframe my experience. I tell my story from the perspective of what who is completely fulfilled (not in delusional resistance to the limitations that may indeed exist in my present experience, but in celebration of the good that already exists). I direct my faith to the certainty that everything is always working out for me (no matter how things may appear in a single moment). I awaken with an appreciation for the gift of my breath, knowing, accepting, and ready to receive the gifts that this day will provide. I love my life because I allow my life to love me and my love for my life continues to increase the flow of the love that provides the evidence for me to love it.
You get what you want when you want what you have. When you are focused on your desire for a change that you have decided is necessary for you to be happy, satisfied, comfortable and fulfilled, you are actually putting a greater investment on that which is lacking (rather than that which you wish to create). Shift your thoughts, words, energy, and attention to that which you appreciate in your current experience. Open your heart up to relish in the fullness and luxury of all that is already in existence. Feel that. Enjoy that. Nurture that.
Success or sabotage? Success is the natural result of realizing that sabotage is always self-inflicted and never something that is perpetrated upon you by an outside force or influence.
Is this going to be an incredible day? When you realize that this question is rhetorical, you are ready to receive and experience all of the gifts that life has in store for you.