Shift your Perspective.
You are everything that you need. You do not need anyone or anything else. If you are unable to appreciate who you are and what you have, you will not gain additional appreciation for what you obtain; you will always feel in need of more.?
I am not suggesting that desires, wishes and dreams are unhealthy (quite the contrary!). It is simply a matter of finding peace, appreciation and gratitude for where you are in your life at any given moment. Any fulfillment that you are lacking in your existence will not be discovered outside of the body in which you now reside.
It is not about the circumstances in which you find yourself; it is how you choose to respond that makes all of the difference. Find the blessings and satisfaction in your life as it stands right now. Allow your desires to simply be additional gifts to an already rich existence. Often this requires a focused shift in perspective. Life is riddled with challenges, so this is not necessarily a simple task.
If you are not in the habit of maintaining a daily gratitude journal as part of your practice, now is the time. Before you retire each evening, list 5 things for which are grateful from your experience of that day (be as specific as possible). When you awaken each morning, take deep breaths and thank the universe for the gift of another day. As you are brushing your teeth, think of all of the things that you enjoy. Play music that lifts your spirit. Make an effort to perform random acts of kindness for strangers throughout the course of your week. This combination of focused actions will powerfully shift your perspective from one of lack and limitation to one of abundance and prosperity.
Success or sabotage? Go within or go without. You are the one for which you have been waiting. The "ruby slippers" have been with you all along.
Is this going to be an incredible day? By appreciating and magnifying that which you have, you become a magnet for more of the same. Like attracts like and "good" goes where it is loved.