Today I made my last stand. I have decided to call everyone out, on any limitations that may be prevalent. Time is such a crucial point, when taking things into consideration; I knew that I could no longer afford to waste it. As organized as I am. As much as I love to prepare in advance, in anticipation for all things. I found myself being too nice. I granted others, too much idle time; to consider decisions that should have been fairly easy to make.
The reason why this is so important, is because it is, a self observation; of myself. I had to carry on, a self inventory of myself and, my approaches when it came to certain business decisions. I started to feel comfortable, with the added pressures of stress; only because I did not want that for my business partners. I saw how it started to limit things. Including myself. I realized that my previous approach, was not necessarily wrong. But, it needed a quick adjustment.
All I could do, was adapt myself. I had to take full responsibility, for the things that were out of place. I had to first, start with myself. There is no excuse, and it would be wrong of me to blame others. Everyone is taking their sweet time, because I am failing to implement closer deadlines. So I had to first go to the root cause, of why I was doing this? I wanted to be Papa Bear, and protect my cubs.
I realized that I may be enabling them, to procrastinate and wait until the last minute to make important decisions. Owning a technology company does not come with an instruction manual. We are media based. This means, that we have to be quick on our feet. Most of our work, revolves around research and data points. We have to keep up with all industries, in all countries; following all trends for growth and expansion. Because, all that we do is NFT based; there are few previous examples available to choose from.
All that we focus on, is based on this technology. A day at the office requires a computer and a phone line. Emails, proposals, power points, graphics and yes. Phone calls. Google is your best friend. YouTube is essential. Twitter, Instagram, Spotify, Itunes and
We have to keep up with the likes of Live Nation. All three major record labels. Now; even motion picture studios, and video game companies. They are all inter connected. Think about Tik Tok, and Twitch/ Discord. These are all important. If you have a staff of 24 people. Where does each person start?
One team may be looking into merchandise, while another is looking for live events/ venues etc. The other team may look into corporate events; just as an example. I can have an entire new team, creating content; in order to convey what our company does. We have to also manage the career of a little known artist by the name of VENOM R1.
He has a 5,000 + song catalog that is growing daily. The same politics inside the music industry, are found at Guiness World Records. It's the same in apparel. It's the same in jewelry brands, automotive brands; footwear. It's essentially everywhere. Most companies are in defense mode. They are guarding company secrets to success, I guess? I don't know? I believe that my approach to business is different.
I understand that we should all be, exclusive; to a certain degree. But, how can I expect my company to grow, if all I focus on is hosting "industry shakers". It's like speed dating. What really comes out of that? When we get creative, in our think tank. The first thing that come to mind is hosting live listening parties. I have hundreds of albums. So, what should I do? Play Latin music at Spanish night clubs and lunges? Then play English albums everywhere else? I would have two waves of music individuals but, we are 1 brand?
We want to connect but, we do not want to confuse the public. The same is true for live performances. We take pride in forming custom shows, for every venue. Should we use the mass production approach? And have the same show, everywhere, every 3 months? That's bland, and boring. We would be like a cover band. There is nothing wrong with that. But, we would be erasing our own identity, in our music field.
There are so many business conventions, where we could attend; each event. But, for what? We would be spreading ourselves so thin, our impact would be little to none. I can sell merchandise at a car show, and sell music as well. Maybe even NFT's. But if we have a restaurant convention; what would our company bring of value, there? Makes sense?
I will start creating content, around the difficulty to even reach out to some of these brands. It has become a dynamic on its own. Why have a fancy corporate office, in fancy downtown; in the first place? No one can book a business meeting. It's close to impossible to have lunch, with anyone.
A night club, is not where we want to discuss a 5,000 song catalog. Especially not after 7 drinks, 4 beers, 2 hookahs and a blunt of purple haze. Not even, after a Doobie. Seriously? Where do they find these people?
How can I take you seriously, if we are at a high class event. And the only high class thing is, that you are high as a kite? Nothing wrong with smoking the chiba. Cool with me. But we can not talk business at 11pm at night, incapacitated. I am asleep by 6/7pm. I am up at 3am. Are you serious? What are we in college? It's bullshit.
Plus. I do not play the Hollywood Squares game. I know this person. This person knows that person. So.... I am a "gatekeeper", to the "real gatekeeper". It's like nonsense, junior high school; mind games. How sustainable is that business model? It's child like. I cannot take anyone serious, who approaches me or my company like that.
It tells me everything about this person, their company and exactly why; we can never do business. I do not party like it's 1999. My state of mind is that of a producer, not a consumer. I much rather own the establishment, where you can enjoy a drink. Instead of buying out the bar, for cool points. And the last thing I want, is a business card from a drunk person. At that point; my life is in danger. What is this person thinking? How is that a good impression?
I tell people to invite me to their churches. This is what I want to see. I don't care if you believe in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Please do not tell me, that this is, the only thing you believe in? Life is not a movie. This is not the night at the Roxberry. It's embarrassing.
I find it; also, that it is not an "age" thing. It's more of a maturity thing. A step above that, is when you have an actual conversation. Some of things, that people say; without filter can eliminate any potentials. I spoke with a gentleman who represented a technology company. They focused on automated systems; software based, for restaurants. Mainly, big chain franchises. This person was so rude, that I would not recommend them to a food truck. Think about, a multi million dollar account. Do you think that I would endorse, any business to people like them? Hell.. Naw' shortie.
In music. It is still a fine dance. I want to say that my approach is respectful. Even when I am out, in public. I am extremely professional. I have flyers. Barcodes. Merch. And old school business cards. There is nothing like a friendly hello. How are you doing? How can I help you? How can I add value to your brand? In other words. Not, what can I get from you. But more like; how can I help you? This is my concentration. But, perhaps we can build a bridge; to incorporate together.
One thing that helped me was a book series on old school business, by Anthony Hamilton. It taught me about business back in the 1920's etc. The most modern examples were from the 40's and 50's. I read those in the early 2,000's. It has taught me proper business tactics. When approaching any business venture, try and consider exactly how the other person may feel.
Be careful when selecting your words. Think about your pronunciation, and your approach. Napoleon Hill spoke about a positive, pleasing mental attitude. Remember that one improper comment, can close a deal and a door for you; forever. Think about the long term growth of your own brand, before speaking. It is your brand, your company, your product and your service, that you are representing. You always want to do that, to the best of your capacity.
This does not mean, everything has to be perfect. Do not be a machine; mechanical about everything. Add your own special, human touch to things. But, think about how your approach may impact the outcome; you seek. In the end. We all want to do business, some how, some way. For me. I make it a top priority to find the right people; first. We can all work together, to make things better.
At the same time. Once they join your team, or your company or brand. Allow yourself the valor, to lead by example. My team already knows. Run this company like it is yours. In fact. This company is yours; treat it as such. Take care of it like a beautiful baby, that is still learning; as it is still growing. There is no need to force anything. I always focus on the long term. We may not be able to do business today. By tomorrow, who knows? If we all work hard together, there is nothing that can limit our potentials for growth and expansion.
I had to raise the standards for myself, and all of the people I care for. This includes, my children, my loved ones and my business partners as well. I never desired to be the most successful in a room, or even in my own company. I want happiness for all. At the end of the day. Let's all be considerate of all of our time. When making any decision for the company, it is important to consider us all as a collective. We are one.
We must all move in the same direction, and at the same time. This is the only way that we will succeed in building a high end, lifestyle, luxury brand. Remember that we are still on the planet Titan. 2024 is already upon us. The time to prepare for that vision we have, of the future is now. Tomorrow is today.
I aim to change everything, starting today.
I reached out to several business ventures today, for a potential partnership. I had granted everyone enough time, to reach a final decision. This morning, I sent out those emails, that I avoided sending; 72 hours ago. I make those phone calls that I a did not want to make; prematurely. As soon as the clock struck 12.... It was time to handle my business. Not because I own the company but, because so many people depend on the success of our company.
I am not easily moved today, as before. I have taken my time, to improve all of my approaches. I see that having daily meetings is a cool opportunity to bond with our staff. There we can talk any challenges we have; in a productive setting. I don't mean formal ones. During let's say, the research phase. We can laugh and joke about things. Let's talk it out in real time. Let's adapt in real time.
Let's say, Bing gave me better results than Google today. That's the wave. Ok cool. Let's share that with the team and capitalize; together. Let's say was best for images and graphics this week? Okay. Let's try it for the next 2 days, to see what it facilitates for our productivity.
I believe that you can adapt to the changes of the day to day, if you take one moment to reconsider all of the systems, that you already have in place. Ask yourself. How can I make this better?
Easy. By working on improving yourself; first. Our success, depends on you. This is your company. And we are proud to have you.
MINNECT R1 $VENOMR1WINS For All Donations 24/7
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